The Bark

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~~~holy shit it has been forever since I've written anything, welcome back to this book, I guess.~~

- I'm not sure if this needs a tw but just incase, there is blood and death mentioned in this part. There is also swearing in this chapter-

"The neighbors dog is barking again, John." I said, slightly annoyed. "What the hell do you want me to do about it, Katherine, tell it to shut up?" John yelled, standing from his spot on the couch. I rolled my eyes, "Jackass" I muttered under my breath, just low enough he couldn't hear. I stood up and walked to the back door, seeing if I could see why the dog was barking. I squinted into the pitch blackness, nothing visible but the occasional bug fluttering towards the porch light. I sighed, "He always barks around 10 P.M." John looked at me and scoffed, "And that fucking matters why?"


"What the fuck was that?" John yells looking towards the door. "How am I supposed to fucking know" I mockingly reply.


There it is again. "Should we go check it out?" I nervously ask. "Correction, should you,  I'm not stepping foot out there, especially in pitch blackness." I laugh, "aw is the little baby scared of the dark?" John puffed out his chest "The fuck? I ain't scared of the dark." I scoff, "Oh?, then go check it out"  

"Damn right I will" He says walking towards the back door.  I sigh, grabbing a flashlight from the kitchen drawer.  "Might need this" I tell him, placing the flashlight in his hand. 

I watch him open the door, the cool breeze flowing inside.  He stepped outside and walked into the darkness, only the small beam of his flashlight visible. 

"See anything?" I yell to him. "No, I don't see any-" It went silent. "John?" I yell, searching for his flashlight beam. 

Suddenly the dog starts barking again, causing  panic to run through my veins. "JOHN" I scream, searching desperately for another flashlight in the drawer.  I feel something cold brush across my finger, "Found it" I say to myself. 

As I go to step outside to look for my husband, I hear a horrible ear-piercing scream. I know that scream, "JOHN, WHERE ARE YOU?!" I scream. 

I step outside, the cool breeze hitting me in the face, making me shiver. 


"What is that?" I say to myself. "John is that you..?" I cautiously call out. 


Something wet flies past my head, a few drops of it landing on my arm. Using the flashlight, I look at my arm. Blood?  Why the hell-? 

Then it dawned on me, John

"Shit." Is all I manage to get out before a warm, steady breath hits the back of my neck.

As soon as I feel the breath, something hits the back of my head, causing my vision to go black.

I open my eyes, and find a dark, looming figure staring back at me. Their red, piercing eyes sending shivers throughout my entire body. 

As I try to stand, the figure steps closer, raising a sharp, bloody butcher knife.

I scream, trying desperately to get away.  

A sudden sharp pain rips through my lower stomach, and I feel my entrails begin to spill out across the lawn. I close my eyes, feeling myself slip away.  As I open my eyes one final time, I see the face of the figure. His long, black hair covering his eyes, and blood smeared across his pale skin. A smile spread across his face, showing yellow, sharp teeth. 

The dog begins to bark again, and I slip into the darkness before me.

Never investigate the barks of your neighbor's dog, do the opposite. Lock your doors and hide, hide until the morning.

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