The girl trapped in a drawing

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~before you continue I would like to warn you, there is cursing in this. It's only one word at the end. But so I don't get my page taken down, I have to warn you. Have a nice day/night! ~

She started out as a circle. A plain circle. Then she grew eyes, little oval eyes with little dots in the center for pupils. Then she grew a nose, it wasnt anything more than two holes in her face. Then after, she got a mouth, a little line straight across. She would never be able to talk. She was given a line below her circle head. Nothing more. She looked like this:

Yeah, that's her. Anyways, one day she was sitting on a "desk" as the madam called it. And then the next, she saw pitch black darkness. She was scared and alone, doomed to never see the light of day again. Until one day, she was taken out. The madam looked, weird. Her eyes bloodshot, her skin pale, her face was swollen and red. This scared her. She tried to close her eyes. Not able to do so, she stared into the madams cold, black eyes, nothing. She suddenly saw a blinding bright light, it pained her to stare at it. She was suddenly thrown into it, she began to feel hot, painful pricks all over her. She didn't know what was going on, it burned. She saw the end of her paper being turned to ash, it slowly growing. Coming toward her. She tried to scream. Suddenly she felt this burning hatred, she wanted to get revenge for this painful process. As she was withering away, slowing becoming ash, she managed to move her mouth. "I get you one day, bitch!" She yelled, turning to ash.

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