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"Why am I doing this with you?" Dakota whispers to Scott, "Why didn't you get like Stiles or anyone else?" She asks him as the two both stand back, and watch Jackson walk into the line for the underground rave

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"Why am I doing this with you?" Dakota whispers to Scott, "Why didn't you get like Stiles or anyone else?" She asks him as the two both stand back, and watch Jackson walk into the line for the underground rave.

Ever since Scott sort of joined Derek's pack, he's been hanging around Dakota. Now she wouldn't really be complaining except he was constantly there. Being part of Derek's pack was more of her safe space. "Because you're my friend." Scott says to her as they hide behind a wall. Dakota narrows her eyes as she sighs, "A very thin line McCall."

Scott nods before he quickly rushes over into the line. Dakota pinches the bridge of her nose already knowing that Scott would try to talk to Matt. As if that didn't make it more obvious.



"How much are tickets?"


Dakota groans as she slaps her hand over her mouth. She tries to motion Scott back over but he shakes his head before turning back to Matt

"Can I borrow some money?"

"Yeah, how much?"


"Why?" Dakota whispers to herself as she hits her head on the wall behind her. She peeks out to see Matt look away from Scott as Dakota runs to the back of the line meeting up with Scott.

"I would rather hang out with Stiles." Dakota hisses out hitting Scott on the chest.

Kota watches carefully as Jackson walks up next to buy his ticket. She listens to the seller's heartbeat start to race as Jackson says no words only hands her the money for his one ticket. She watches with a careful eye as the elevator starts to rise with her on it, looking down at Jackson.


"What's he doing here?" Scott asks as Dakota and he opens the door to the vet's office. "I need him." Dakota glances between the three boys as she smiles at Isaac

"I don't trust him." He states to Derek.

"Yeah, well he doesn't trust you either." Dakota jabs Isaac in the ribs. Isaac glares at her while she does the same back. "Knock it off." She hisses out before she turns to Scott to see him shaking his head. "You too." She mutters as Derek growls.

"You know what? And Derek really doesn't care." Shaking his head as Derek steps in between the three teens. "Now where's the vet? Is he going to help us or not?"

"That depends." Deaton says, "Your friend Jackson. Are we planning to save him or kill him?"

"Kill him."

"Save him."

"Save him." Scott and Kota say to Derek, "Save him."

"Great. Now that masculinity problem is over. Can we actually focus on our plan?" Dakota asks as she walks into the exam room ahead of everyone.

Jealousy, Jealousy - S.M [1]Where stories live. Discover now