Chapter 9: Yorknew

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They pulled into an abandoned dock at night. Shinjo donated some clothes to Cheetu and Misha so they could conceal themselves. "Do you know where this, Mr. Reid, is?" Nef asked Shinjo.

"I heard that he's having a book signing at a library not far from here. You'll have to go through some heavily populated areas to get there." Shinjo said.

"It shouldn't be too bad this time of night, right?" Misha asked.

"You don't know humans very well, do you?" Shinjo asked with a slight chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Misha asked.

"Humans aren't always just awake during the day, and in a city like this, the night is alive. There will be people everywhere." Shinjo said.

"Why would this guy have a book signing at night?" Cheetu asked.

"He's a night owl. Plus, he's weird from what I've heard." Shinjo said.

"Okay... I guess this is where we say goodbye." Nef said.

"It is... I wish the three of you luck." Shinjo said. Nef nodded before her, Misha and Cheetu left.

The three of them walked through, looking up at the tall buildings that surrounded them on all sides. "This place is so huge!" Misha said in awe.

"No kidding... what do they even need buildings this big for?" Cheetu asked.

"To show that they're better than us?" Misha said. "Ha!" Cheetu laughed. They looked at all the cars chocking up the road next to them.

"This place is packed tight, though." Cheetu said.

"Yeah. I don't like these crowds." Misha said.

"Man, I want to run around this place so bad. Those streets would be perfect if it wasn't for all of those cars!"

"You've got a lot of energy in you." Misha said.

"We've been on a boat for days! Of course, I have a lot of energy!"

Misha looked over to Nef, who had been completely silent the whole walk. "Nef, are you okay?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Nef asked.

"It's just... you've been quiet ever since we left the boat. What's on your mind?" Misha asked.

"Eli... he would have loved seeing this place. I can imagine how wide his eyes would be." Nef said with a smile.

"I see... well, don't worry. We're going to get him back, same with your brothers." Misha said.

"I hope so... I'm trying to stay focused, but... that night keeps popping up in my head. The fear... the pain." Nef said.

Misha went up and locked her arm around Nef's. "We're right here with you." She said.

Nef smiled and said, "Thank you." Cheetu looked at the two and started getting suspicious.

Before Cheetu could think more on this, Nef spotted the library. "There it is." She said as she pointed to it.

"How do you know that's the one?" Cheetu asked.

"Probably because of the line of people outside all holding the same book." Nef said.

"Oh... yeah, I'd say that's a good clue." Cheetu said.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Misha asked.

"We can't wait in line. They'll see we aren't human." Cheetu said.

Nen Feaster; Part 2: The Cat's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now