Chapter 10: Poachers

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Nef woke up before the other two. Well, she never really slept to begin with, not for long at least. She went to Reid's room and knocked on the door. She was met with silence. She knocked on the door again. She heard a groan on the other side, but still, Reid didn't get up to answer. "Reid! Wake up!" Nef shouted. "Alright!" Reid shouted back. He came to the door and opened it up. "What? No, 'good morning?'" Reid said. Nef rolled her eyes in response. "Come in." Reid said as he moved aside. As Nef walked in, she saw plans on a desk. They looked like building plans.

"What's that?" Nef asked.

"Huh? Oh, it's just an amusement park I'm funding. Reid-Land, I'm calling it." He quickly grabbed the plans and moved them away. Nef knew he was lying, but didn't want to accuse him. "You got that journal?" Reid asked. Nef got it out and handed it to Reid. Reid placed the journal on the desk and took a look at it. "This journal is big. It would take some time to copy the whole thing, maybe three months at the least." Reid said.

"We don't need the whole thing, just the pages about Myriad." Nef said.

"Okay... once I get started that should be done in... two, maybe three weeks given the damage." Reid said.

"What is your ability, exactly?" Nef asked.

"I can manipulate paper and writing. I can use that to copy books and texts onto identical templates, including ones that were thought to be destroyed beyond recognition."

"So, to copy Eli's journal, you'll need a journal that looks identical to his?"

"Yeah, but don't worry about that. I know a guy. He'll have another copy in a day or two." Reid brought out his phone and started taking pictures of the journal.

"Why did you create this ability?" Nef asked.

"Well, my church was having issues with printing Bibles. They couldn't afford new shipments or printers of their own, so I thought I'd step in to help. After that, I started getting hired by churches, museums, and archaeologists. It helped me publish my first book." Reid said.

"So, you're a manipulator then?" Nef asked.

"I was, but now I'm technically a specialist." Reid said.

"What happened?"

"Well... let's just say, I found my purpose in life." Reid said as he looked over to Nef.

"I... I see."

"Hm... well, I'll hold onto the journal and keep it safe. Raymond is on the first floor in the dining hall. He's waiting for you. Oh, and the hotel is serving pancakes this morning. Go and get your friends so y'all can get something sweet to eat." Reid said.

"Very well." Nef said.

"You don't have to be so damn up-tight." Reid complained.

"I'd like to remain professional, Mr. Reid." Nef said.

"Nef, look at the clothes I'm wearing. Do I look professional to you?" Reid was wearing pajama pants much longer than his legs, and a t-shirt.

"I'll see you later, Mr. Reid." Nef said as she left the room.

Nef was moving for her room to get Misha, but she heard something coming from behind one of the doors. It was one of the rooms that Reid said was empty. She approached it, staring at the peep-hole at the top. Nef could feel someone's eye on her. She was approaching the door, getting ready to investigate, but before she could, Misha came out of her room. She let out a big yawn and said, "Good morning, Nef."

"Oh, uh... morning." Nef said. Misha went to Cheetu's door to wake him up. Nef took one more look at the suspicious door before moving on. Misha beat on Cheetu's door.

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