Chapter 11: Getting Creative

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Misha had returned to the hotel after she ran away from the warehouse. She went back to her room. She sat on the side of the bed, disappointed and ashamed of herself. "I would just be in the way... it's better that I stay here." She said, trying to convince herself, but she still felt ashamed. "It's better this way... it's better this way..." She repeated to herself. Interrupting her mantra, she heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" She asked.

"It's Reid." He said.

"Oh, come in." Reid came in, and he could easily tell she was upset.

"What's wrong?" He asked. There were two beds in each hotel room. Reid sat on the one across from Misha.

"It's nothing." Misha said.

Reid gave her a doubtful look. "Oh really?" He said sarcastically.

"Alright... I decided not to go with Nef and Cheetu on that mission."

"Why not?"

"I'd just be in their way." Reid gave her a confused look. He couldn't believe she was being so doubtful of herself.

"Why do you say that?" Reid asked.

"Nef's had to save my life twice already." Misha said.

"What happened?"

"There was this big monster that we were fighting. I pushed Nef out of the way and got hit. I almost fell off of a cliff. I managed to grab a ledge, and Cheetu had to stop helping Nef to help me. Then, after that, we fought with a bunch of reanimated corpses and I got grabbed. Nef had to step in and help me. I've felt pretty useless ever since..." Misha said.

"What's your ability?"

"It's called Juliette's Dance. It allows me to phase through solid, inanimate objects. I can also bring objects with me." Misha explained.

"Can you stay in an object indefinitely?" Reid asked.

"No, only for ten seconds. If I'm inside something when my ability deactivates, I'll be shot out. Matter can't overlap... why are you asking?"

Reid gave her a smile and said, "You aren't useless, Misha. Nobody is useless. You just have to get a little creative with your ability."

"Reid, being creative isn't going to—" Misha was trying to object, but Reid threw a piece of paper which promptly wrapped around Misha's mouth, making her unable to speak.

"Now, you listen here, little bunny Foo-Foo. Don't you dare say that your ability is useless without giving it a try first. Now, Nef and Cheetu need you, whether you believe that or not. It's not about being useful in a fight, or being a good fighter or whatever the hell else you think this is about. You are their friend. You need to be out there for them, whether you think you'll be useful or not, because I can tell you that the one thing someone can appreciate is a little company or a friendly face in the middle of a battle." Reid said. Misha looked down, feeling even more ashamed than before.

"Now, you definitely aren't going to tell me that creativity can't win a fight. You forget that my ability revolves around paper. Freaking paper! And I was able to trap an elite Chimera Ant, and their two associates. Creativity can turn the tide of a war." Reid said. Misha let out a sigh and looked back to Reid. Reid took off the paper from her mouth. "Now, are you going to toughen up and try to work on your ability instead of whining about how useless it is?" Reid asked.

"Yes... I will." Misha said with a reluctant smile.

"Good." Before the conversation could continue, Raymond came into the room. He looked worried. "Raymond? What's wrong?" Reid asked.

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