Chapter 15: Confession

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It's been a few days since the attack from the Troupe. The airship stopped to refuel, and Nef was standing in the viewing area, looking out, not at anything in particular, just looking. She was thinking about what Reid showed her in Eli's journal. She was thinking about how to ask Misha about her thoughts on the whole situation. She knew that it could go either way with her. She didn't know her thoughts or feelings about a situation like this. The thoughts were starting to overwhelm her a little bit. Cheetu came into the room and saw her.

He went over and asked, "Uh, Nef? Are you okay?"

"Yes... no... I don't know..." She said as she buried her face in her hands.

"What's wrong?" Cheetu asked.

"It's Misha... and Eli. Reid showed me a doodle that Eli made in his journal. It was of me, him and Misha as a couple... or a triple, I guess..."

"Oh... so, what's the problem then?"

"I don't know Misha's thoughts on Eli, or if she'd consider a relationship like that. I mean... how do you even ask someone about that!?"

"Ask someone about what?" Misha asked as she walked in. Nef's ears and tail shot straight up, and her face turned purple.

"Um... I have to go... check on something." Cheetu said as he stepped away.

Misha stepped up to Nef. "What's up with him?" She asked.

"Who knows?" Nef said, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Okay... what's up with you?" Misha asked, noticing Nef's strange behavior.

"Nothing... I've just been thinking, is all." Nef said.

"About what?"

"About how to prevent the disaster that happened once I'm able to go back." Nef said, which was of course a lie.

"Yeah... it would be a good idea to plan ahead." Misha said.

Nef wanted to change the subject, so she asked, "You once said that Eli saved your life. What happened?"

"Oh, I was showing Eli how to ice fish, and the ice ended up breaking and I fell in. He got Shroud to dig me out, and he helped warm me back up. He even stayed at my camp that night to make sure I was okay. He was so sweet... I hope we can bring him back." Misha said as she trailed off in thought. Nef looked at her and thought that maybe a relationship between all of them was possible.

She still didn't want to outright ask, so instead she asked, "What did you think of Eli?"

"Huh? Well... he was really nice, the nicest guy I ever met. He's brave and kind... he's cute too." Misha said. Nef looked over to Misha with a smile. Misha got embarrassed and looked away.

"Well... what do you think of me?" Nef asked.

"You? Well... I..." Misha thought for a moment. "Well, I think you're strong, brave, smart, and cool and...." She stopped as she started trailing off again.

"Well... what do you think... of me and Eli?"

"You and..." Misha looked over, seeing the shy look on Nef's face. She realized what she was getting at. "Oh... oh! You mean... you want the three of us to..." Misha was starting to get flustered.

"Look... I know it's a strange thing to ask, but... I just... I feel strongly about the both of you, and I don't want to choose between you." To Nef's surprise, Misha hugged her warmly. "You... you're okay with it?" Nef asked.

"Of course, I am! In fact, I'm relieved. For a while, I was worried that I was backing myself into a corner with my flirting..." Misha said, a little embarrassed.

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