Chapter 19: Denied

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A few hours later, at a city far away from the Zoldyk property, Nef and Reid came to a clinic owned by Amara. Nef immediately went to Cheetu's room. He was in a bed with an IV drip hooked up. Nef rushed over to him and asked, "Are you okay!?"

"Hm... yeah, I'm pretty good... wait... I think I might be missing something..." Cheetu said with a stupid smile.

"You're actually making jokes?" Nef asked.

"He never stops." Amara said as she came in. She replaced the IV then looked at Cheetu. "I have to say... I do admire his personality." Amara said with a smile.

"And maybe there's a few things I admire about you, doc." Cheetu said with his own smile.

"I'm glad you're doing alright, given the circumstances." Nef said.

"Yeah. Amara here really came through for me. She even gave me her blood." Cheetu said.

"What? But, you're a human." Nef said to Amara.

"That's right, but ever since I met the Chimera Ants, I noticed a pattern in those who... succumbed to their wounds. They all could have been saved if I just had some blood for a transfusion, but all Chimera Ants are so unique, it's hard to find someone who's viable for a donation. So, I made my ability, Blood Bank." Amara said, and a two headed snake coiled around a scepter appeared. One head was red, and the other blue. "The red head takes the donor's blood and the blue one injects it into the recipient. The snakes convert the donor's blood into a perfect match to the recipient's blood."

"That's... very clever." Nef said.

"Thank you... I've heard about your Dr. Blythe ability. I'd like it if we worked together in the future." Amara said.

"That would be good." Nef said.

"Hey, uh... is it done? Is it time?" Cheetu asked.

Nef let out a sigh and said, "I'm sorry... Rouge lost control and killed one of them. I still need one more source."

"What happened?" Cheetu asked.

"Rouge obliterated Zeno. She subdued Silva, and their rage subsided, causing Myriad to time out. I stole Silva's nen, but Cloak showed up."

"Cloak!? What happened?" Cheetu asked.

"Well, Reid showed up and tried to defend me." Nef started.

"And he promptly kicked my ass." Reid finished as he walked into the room, his arm in a sling. He came over to a chair by Cheetu's bed and sat down.

"What happened then?" Cheetu asked.

"I saved his ass." Ariko said as she walked in.

"Ariko? It's good to see you again." Cheetu said.

"It's good to see you too." Ko said.

"What happens now? You don't have all of the nen you need, so... what do we do?" Cheetu asked.

"You aren't doing anything. You're in no shape to fight anymore." Amara said.

"You think I don't realize that?" Cheetu asked.

"Mr. Reid... what will you do?" Nef asked.

"Well, the Zoldyks knew of my involvement with you, and no doubt the Hunter's Association is catching on as well. I'm becoming a target, so I have no choice but to take the Chimera Ants into hiding, same with me, Raymond, Pennie, and Cheetu."

"Where will you go?" Nef asked.

"I think Eli's island would be the safest place for us."

"Yes... that would be best." Nef said.

Nen Feaster; Part 2: The Cat's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now