Hot Sex Part 1

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Joe's POV

Natasha's coming to stay with me for 3 months while her family is gonna be in Oregon visiting her aunt and uncle who live there plus they have to attend her cousins wedding. Natasha didn't want to go cause her relatives in Oregon are stuck up and snotty. I don't blame her. I built a house right next to mine here in LA with the hopes of renting it out I'm grateful she rented from me cause this way I can see her more often then just when I'm on tour.

When Natasha's family leaves for an extended period of time she stays with me cause she doesn't want to be all alone in that big empty house while they aren't there. Which is great for me cause that provides me with fun with her. I've known her since she was 21 years old she's now 35 so I've known her for 15 years total. The whole time I've known her she's a virgin. Meaning no guy dated her nor had sex with her. I've made her come licked her down there and she's mighty tasty. Her juices are sweet and succulent.

The second floor of my own house is actually soundproof which makes me smirk cause of all the fun things I can do to make her scream and cry out. Now I'm a humble person for the press but at home I'm a gentle soul but when it comes to sex I don't hold back I'm hard when it comes to sex not only am I hard with sex I'm also rough. I saw Natasha walking over to my place with two suitcases and a duffle bag. I smirked knowing I'm gonna claim her fully and completely while she stays with me. She stays usually in the guest room but tonight she's rooming with me. The reason why. I'm getting her pregnant.

I've always wanted children but every time I was with a lady she never wanted them cause they cramped her lifestyle or ruined her body figure or they just never wanted the responsibility of children. I heard the door open downstairs and close. I smirked and headed downstairs to greet her. The suitcases and duffle bag were on the floor by the door and she groaned with frustration while she flopped down on my couch I wandered over to her and spoke.

"Sugar what's wrong?" I asked wanting to hear her voice she looked up at me and spoke.

"My family wants to move to Oregon to be with my Uncle Rick but I don't want to move again. I want to stay here with you." She told me softly I sighed heavily I don't want her to move either and spoke.

"Well sugar you can move in with me permanently. I don't mind you being here. Besides you and I can have oh so much extra fun without you returning home when your family returns." I told her offering a solution to her problem she had a glint in her blue green eyes and spoke.

"Are you sure Joe?" She asked me and I laughed and spoke.

"Certainly. You never have to worry about moving ever again. The only time we'll leave this house is when I go on tour but once the tour is over we will come back here. Sugar you belong here with me this I know. I loved sitting on the beach with you everyday in our lounge chairs just listening to the waves crash me telling you stories about the beginnings of Def Leppard. I love your cute giggles." I told her she smiled at me and spoke.

"Well I guess starting next week we can move my things here to your house. The guest room will look nice with my Def Leppard stuff." She told me I nodded and spoke.

"Sugar you're moving in my room. I don't want to hear any ifs ands or buts about it." I said I got up from the couch and pulled her up to me and spoke. "Besides that gives me easy access to do naughty things to you." I explained she giggled and spoke.

"Well now what does Joe Elliott have in store for me during my stay?" She asked me giggling I smirked and spoke.

"Sex sugar. You and I are having lots and lots of sex during your stay here. I'm claiming you fully and completely during your stay here. Now sugar you know I don't hold back during sex. I'm hard and I'm rough plus I have another agenda on why you're staying with me in my room but I'll tell you that later on. This evening I'm talking you to a comedy show. We are gonna see your favorite comedian Gabriel Iglesias. We have front row seats plus a meet and greet package where we can go backstage to meet and greet him. Now the show starts in four hours so why don't you get a shower and get dressed up for our nice evening out then when we come back our real fun can begin." I told her my voice dropping to a whisper making her shudder she spoke to me.

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