Damn! Part 1

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Joe's POV

I am pissed Karla pressed charges on me for spousal abuse I paid $1,000 fine and now I have 1,000 hours of community service to do as well. When Karla and I married we signed pre-nuptials. Stating what mine is mine and what's hers is hers. Karla and I are getting divorced thank god we are just going through proceedings. I'm still doing community service I have 500 hours left to go. Plus we are working on a new album called Euphoria.

Natasha has been staying with me since before my divorce from Karla. She and I grew up together. My parents practically raised me and her together. Her mother worked nights and Natasha was like a sister to me for many years. I took Natasha to our school dances during our youth when no one else would ask her cause she was overweight. She came to my soccer games and cheered her heart out for me when I played. She came to my choir practice to listen to me sing I went to her school plays and she came to the school choir concerts.

She loved listening to me play the piano and me playing my guitar. When I first formed Def Leppard with Pete Willis she would come to the warehouse to listen to us play. She was sad when Steve died. I remember she cried for months. Natasha got along with Steve rather well. He was like a big brother to her. When my parents helped Natasha's mum Natasha and I snuggled and cuddled at night when she'd stay with me.

We went and saw Halloween when it first came out to theaters. We had fun watching it. Natasha loves scary movies. I'd always watch them with her. Natasha never hardly dated much cause men want women to look like models beautiful young sexy. Always wore the best of everything. The only person who's ever dated Natasha was me. It didn't matter to me what she looked like all that mattered was we had a good time with each other.

Humph I remember getting her a purple stuffed brontosaurus dinosaur for Valentine's Day when we were teens. I remember seeing her face light up when she got it. She snuggled and cuddled with it all the time. She still does when she's scared or alone. She called it Dino cause it reminded her of the Flintstones dog Dino cause it was all dark purple with a black spot on his back. I'm surprised she still has it after all these years. Natasha always came to our concerts. I always made sure her name was first on the concert list for when she came backstage.

I got out of my car and went inside my house. I slammed the door shut in frustration. I was angry. I saw on the kitchen table my dinner Natasha made for me. Fish and chips along with a beer and a note in front of the yellow roses. I picked up the note and read it.

I didn't know what all to do for you while you're going through your divorce so I made your favorite meal. I know your angry now. I'll be in my room if you need me. You might want to warm your dinner up if it's cold. The note said my heart was pounding she was always so thoughtful. My dinner felt a little cold and so I warned it in the microwave for 2 minutes just to warm it up. When Natasha stays with me her room is right next to mine just in case one of us needs the other one. The microwave dinged and I took out my dinner. I took it to the table and began eating it.

Mmm Natasha sure knows how to make good fish and chips. Natasha's been staying with me since my legal separation from Karla started. I didn't want to be alone and I wanted Natasha to be with me during my time of loneliness. Something about Karla was always off. Something with Karla just never felt right. Like she wasn't the right girl for me. We always fought and argued. Karla hated Natasha with a passion. They never got along. They always traded wise cracks to each other all the time. Somehow Natasha always managed to shut Karla up.

When I held Karla she never quite belonged in my arms when I would kiss her there was no passion when I'd make love to her there was no meaning behind it. All the girls I dated were the same...but one. Natasha. Natasha always felt so perfect in my arms. When I'd kiss Natasha there was pyromania sparks and when we'd make love there was so much fiery passion. Like an explosion. Maybe...just maybe Natasha's been the right girl for me all along I just had to open my pretty hazel eyes and just look. Damn how did I not notice Natasha's been the right girl for me all along? Maybe it's because I loved her like a sister and not as a significant other. I finished my beer and my meal and I put my plate and fork in the sink and threw my bottle away and headed upstairs to see her.

Joe Elliott ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now