Joe's Mate Part 3

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It had been a month since Tamera tried to convince Natasha to leave Joe's home. Natasha was watching the movie Never Talk To Strangers with Paige. Natasha's surprise for Joe is almost done she just needs to keep him distracted for 2 more weeks and she knew just how to do it. Have sex with him will keep Joe distracted. When she has sex with Joe she wanted to mimic the scene from the movie her and Paige are watching where Antonio Banderas comes out of the shower.

Natasha wanted to watch the movie with Paige to know the exact moves with that scene. Natasha smirked realizing Joe's partial cage around their bed will definitely be very helpful with her move. The movie ended and Natasha was smirking and Paige noticed and spoke.

"Natasha is everything okay?" Paige asked Natasha snapped out of her daze and spoke.

"Yes I'm fine I was just imagining the sex scene when Antonio came out of the shower again and wondering how it can play with me and Joe." Natasha explained Paige nodded and spoke.

"That was a good scene. Baby making scene in the works. When are planning on trying that with Joe?" Paige asked her Natasha answered her.

"Tonight. Tonight is definitely my night to finally have sex with him. Although instead of me having clothes on I'm just gonna have nothing on but my underwear and my silky black bathrobe I'll walk in on him while he's in the shower and pull the shower curtain back and see him in all his glory. And dripping wet of course." Natasha said the women giggled Paige spoke.

"Well he'll be stunned that's for sure. You are telling him to make baby Elliott with you right? At some point during all that?" Paige asked Natasha answered her.

"Of course I am. He needs to be distracted for 2 more weeks while his surprise is getting the finishing touches put on." Natasha said to her Paige nodded and spoke.

"Well I have no doubt that sex will keep him distracted. You keep him distracted with sex for two weeks and you're surprise for him will be ready for you to show it to him." Paige said to her Natasha giggled and spoke.

"No doubt when he sees me he's gonna growl and want to have sex with me then and there." Natasha said giggling Paige's phone dinged and she read her message and spoke.

"Shit Rick is coming I need to get started on his dinner." Paige said Natasha nodded and spoke.

"Well if Rick is coming that means Joe is coming. Okay okay let's relax a minute. You go and get Rick's dinner started I'll stay here and get ready for my night with Joe. I'll make him take a shower. Knowing Joe he probably ate out for dinner tonight." Natasha said to her Paige sighed and spoke.

"Well since Rick is with Joe that means he probably ate out as well. Now what am I gonna do with his dinner?" Paige asked Natasha answered her.

"You can still make it up and he can have it for a midnight snack or for later on when and if he gets hungry." Natasha suggested Paige nodded and spoke.

"That is a good idea. If he can't sleep he'll wake up in the middle of the night searching for some kind of snack to munch on." Paige said to her Natasha nodded and someone spoke.

"Who gets up in the middle of the night searching for a snack?" Joe asked as he and Sav walked in the room Natasha answered him.

"Sav my darling." Natasha answered Sav nodded knowing he does that and spoke.

"Paige you don't need to cook for me tonight. Joe and the rest of us ate out and I forgot to text you to let you know." Sav told her Paige threw her hands up in the air and spoke.

"Well at least you'll have something for a midnight snack later on Rick. It's all made up it just needs to be cooked for a couple of minutes in the oven. I'll still cook it then you can warm it up for later on when and if you get hungry." Paige told him Sav nodded and spoke.

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