Joe's Mate Part 2

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It's been a month since Pete talked with Joe and the fellas over his problem with Natasha's mother being his mate. Tamera liked Pete as a person but he worries she'll be terrified of him when he becomes a wolf in front of her. He was puzzled he didn't know what to do. He just paced in his private room back and forth. Pete stopped pacing and spoke aloud to himself.

"Tamera deserves to know what I am. Natasha knows about Joe and loves him. But Joe said Natasha was an accepting type of person who accepts people. What if Tamera isn't that accepting as Natasha is?" Pete asked aloud to himself and fell on the couch. He put his hands on his face and put his head down. He was a mess when he wasn't around Natasha's mother isn't around. He remembered Joe telling Pete Natasha never had a father in her life before. He needs to tell Tamera about what he is. He needs to tell her he's only meant to protect her and Natasha both. Suddenly Pete heard a knock on the door and his head came up and spoke.

"Who is it?" Pete asked the visitor the voice answered him.

"It's me." The female voice said. Pete knew it was Tamera and got up from the couch and opened the door and spoke.

"Tamera what's wrong?" Pete asked her Tamera answered him.

"Nothing's wrong. You've been hiding in that room of yours all day and I was bored and I was hoping for some company." Tamera told him with a smile Pete nodded and came out of his private room and closed the door behind him and spoke.

"I'm sorry Tamera I have a lot on my mind. There's certain things I have to tell you and I don't know how to tell them to you. Certain things about me that are kept out of the public eye. Except certain people who know about what my secret is." Pete explained to her Tamera nodded and spoke to him.

"Oh I see. I made you a grilled cheese sandwich cause I figured you were hungry cause you were in your private room all day." Tamera told him Pete smiled and spoke.

"Thank you. Where's the sandwich?" He asked her Tamera answered him.

"Out in the kitchen. I came to get you when it was done." Tamera said Pete nodded and spoke.

"A grilled cheese sandwich sounds good right now." He told her and he followed Tamera to his kitchen. He found his sandwich on the counter and took it to the table and began eating it. He was hungry he just didn't think about food when his mind was on something. When his sandwich was gone Tamera took his plate and washed it. Pete got up and got a bottled water out of the fridge and opened it and took a sip cause he was thirsty he closed the fridge door and spoke. "Tamera can you sit down please I have something to tell you?" Pete asked Tamera put the plate away and spoke.

"Sure." Tamera said and sat down in a chair that was next to Pete's and Pete sat down in his chair and spoke.

"Tamera there's something I have to tell you about me. I want you to be open minded when I tell you. Can you do that for me? Be open minded?" Pete asked her Tamera answered him.

"Sure this sounds important." Tamera said to him Pete nodded and spoke.

"Tamera you can't reveal what I'm about to tell you to anyone that isn't in the know. You must know that I'd never hurt you or Natasha. But this secret of mine is so sacred that only the fellas in Def Leppard know about it along with their wives. The reason why they know is because the guys all share this same secret. The fellas I mean and they share it with their wives." Pete began Tamera listened and spoke.

"What are you guys? The mafia or something?" Tamera asked him trying to lighten the mood Pete laughed and spoke.

"No no. The mafias are dangerous people. Practically criminals. They think the laws don't apply to them cause they helped create certain laws. They claim they run the city or cities they live in and all because they own lots of businesses. But Tamera I'd never hurt you or Natasha or put either of you in any kind of danger. The secret me and fellas share is meant to protect you and Natasha both." Pete said Tamera sighed with relief knowing Pete and the fellas aren't mafias and spoke.

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