Chapter 8 - Playground

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When school ended we all walked out together still talking about what not, when a beeping horn sound teared us out of our bubble.

"What was that?" Asked Lexi shocked

"I don't know, maybe a horn honking" I answered before I realised just how dumb this answer was and we all giggled. "What am I saying? Of course it was a horn honking"

Sometimes I give stupid answers. But stupid questions get stupid answers.

I looked around untill I spotted Brents car at the back of the parking lot.

Ohh yeah right hanging up after school. Stupid me.

"Hey people. My friend is there to pick me up. I promised to hang out after school because I didn't eat lunch with him so yeah.." I said awkwardly.

"The one who took you to lunch" Eleanor asked with a wink.

"No don't think that. I only know him for like a day" I said wrinkling my nose. "And yes he is the guy who took me to lunch" I said smiling when I remembered his face after he saw that we were about to run late.

"Is he at least hot?"

"You could say that Lexi, but simmer down girl" I said laughing.

Man I already liked this girls. But this look on Lucy's face makes me really uncomfortable. I can't read her expression.

"Get him" Katie told me and I shook my head.

"Chill tiger. Anyways I gotta go. Text you later?" I said already turning around to walk to Brents car but continuing to talk while walking backwards. "Just text me their numbers Lucy, or give them my number or something. I don't know"


"Have fun"


I laughed at how imature Katie was which got me a weird stare from Brent whom I hugged him despite the gear in between our seats after I took my seat in his car.

"Hey" he greeted with a cute smile

"Yo" I said and we both bursted out into lauhter.

"I know we don't know each other for that long, but since when do you say 'Yo'?" He asked inbetween laughter making me laugh even more.

"I don't know" I told him truthfully after our laughing has subsided and he started driving. "I just felt like it. Anyways what are we gonna do?"

"I actually don't know. I just wanted to spend time with you" he said looking down.

What do my eyes spot there?! Oh my god! IS HE BLUSHING? I've always thought blushing boys were cu-

"PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD!" I screamed, breaking my train of thoughts bringing my hands to the steering wheel. Fortunately he managed to not bump into the fence on the other side before I brought my hands there, but I still didn't take them back before we were safe on the right side of the street again.

"Holy fuck that was close" he said but still had a smile on his face and I started laughing again.

Why am I laughing? This shouldn't be funny. I could've died. Oh gosh I bet he is thinking of my as a psycho now. SHIT.

"You laugh at the weirdest times" he said looking over for a second with this mega cute smile on his face.

"No I don't! " I protested even though I knew he was right.

*cough* "Moking Jay" *cough* he reminded me of the not fitting laugh attacks I had during the movie. And I lightly slapped his arm for embarressing me.

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