Chapter 4 - Lunch date?

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"Nothing" she said and ran away.

What?! What have I said wrong? She just walked away as if I asked to burn her. What happened with her and Brent to cause something like that?

I decided to give her some time. I mean not everyone shares their story with every new friend they make, neither do I. Especially somebody like Lucy. She seems to make new friends every day. So I just went to class and hoped my question didn't affect her that much.

God I am a terrible friend. I should have chased after her and told her it's alright and she doesn't have to tell me, but damn that girl can run.

The late bell brought be back out of my own world and so I walked inside the classroom just before the teacher did.

And here goes another boring hour of just sitting there, acting like I care. Answering a few questions and thinking of what has happened between Brent and Lucy.


"Sup?" I let out a scream.

"Brent, you idiot! You scared the shit out of me" I slapped my new won friend.

"Ow. I'm sorry" he said rubbing the spott on his arm that I just slapped.

"You better be" I sassed.

"Girl, you got muscles" he said still rubbing his arm.

"So, where are we going?" I asked stretching the so.

"Well, I guess you haven't been to the cafeteria yet, have you?

"Ehmm, no. It's my first day you superbrain" I said giving him a look that screamed 'are you f-ing kidding me?' Because that exactly what I thought.

"Well, that's bad for you. Cause we ain't going there" he sassed back to me with this hand-flipping-your-hair-over-your-shoulder-thing.

I let out a laugh. "Good, 'cause to be honest I was hoping on finding a way out" I said and we started making our way out of the school.

I quickly texted Lucy that I won't be there for Lunch cause a friend would take me.

I didn't tell her that this friend was Brent. She seemed sensetive about him, so I just let it be.

She texted me back that it was okay and that she'll see me later.

Suddenly he stopped walking infront of what I assume was his car. It wasn't big, nor small, more something nice and comfortable. But I, being the superhero that I am, walked ahead while talking about my last class.

"Bre- oh sorry" i cut myself off. "I guess this is your car?" I asked embaressment clear in my voice.

"Yeah, sorry that I don't have a big one lik-" this time I cut him off.

"No it's alright. I prefer small comfortable cars to big cars that basically just scream out 'Hey Bitch, I have money. You better get jealous' " I told him completly serious and he chuckled a damn adorable chuckle.

"Same there" he agrees walking over to the passenger seat and opening the door for me. "Here you go"

"Thanks" I laugh. "So you didn't tell me where we're going" I ask excitedly.

"Wherever you wanna go" he asks.

Oh gosh, no! Why do people always do this?

"Oh boy, don't you dare make me decide this. You asked me to join you, so you decide" I threatened him with my index finger close to his face.

"Well actually you should decide 'cause you are the new one here" he looked at me a daring look on his face.

"No, you are the one to know the good places, so you decide" I argue back.

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