Chapter 6 - Movies

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During the remaining time of detention I would occasionally sneak glances at Luke. At the times he would stare back I quickly got back to work or stare out of the window or even start saying something to Brent.

Somehow I felt like I was caught while I did something wrong when he would catch me staring. But somwhow I felt like I was betraying him by playing it off.

Damn girl! Get your mind made up -_-
Well um.. mind how about you shut up?


This time I didn't walk past Brent's car.

"What about a movie?" He asked while we took our seats in the car.

"Sounds good. But I gotta be at home by six" I told him.

"Awww little Alexa gets her curfew" He mocked.

"Shut up Brent" I told him rolling my eyes.

He still snickered, but made this hand-locks-mouth-and-throws-key-away gesture while his eyes were glued to the road.

About ten minutes later we pulled up infront of the Cinema. After a bit of arguing we dicided to watch 'Mockingjay Part 1'. And after Brent payed out tickets we took our seats and talked during the previews untill the movie began.

During the movie Brent pulled the yawn-and-inconspiciously-wrap-your-arm-around-the-girl-move and I had to bite back my laugh and just smiled.

"I can't believe how you can laugh that much during such sad scenes" Brent called me out unbelievably.

"I just think it's funny how she screams" I said laughing while I remembered what happened. "PEETA! Peeta!" I screamed exeggerated and Brent joined in on my laughing.

"Okay, that's really funny. But to be honest, there didn't happen much" He criticized.

"I know right! I have read all books and the only movie I liked more than it's book was the second. But it was actually filmed believingly"

"Can't disagree with that" he said shrugging.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was almost six.


"Brent can you please drive me home now?" I asked panicked.

"Yeah sure. I hope your mom doesn't freak out about you being late. I am sorry" he told me concerned.

"Don't worry about my mom. She'll be fine. But I gotta be home at 6 though. My mom is making lasanga" I smiled at him.

"Seriously? That's what this rush is all about?" He laughed.

"Yes. And now shut up and drive me home" I said sternly and he obeyed.


"Thanks for taking me to lunch and the movies. That was fun. A great first day of school" I said when we pulled up infront of my house after a few minutes of driving and talking about the movie.

"I had fun too. I will see you tomorrow at school" he said with a cute dimply grin.

"Of course" I said taking out my bag and exiting the car. "See you tomorrow" I said with a smile closing the car door and making my way to the house.

"I am home" I called out dropping my keys in the bowl at the shoe counter we had when you enter our house and taking off my shoes.

"I am in the kitchen making dinner" my mom called back "How was your first day in school?" She asked after I entered the kitchen, gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down on the table.

"Good. No, actually it was great. I made two new friends. Lucy and Brent and today we went to lunch at Pizza Hut and to the movies after our detention" I said with a huge smile.

"Detention? Why that?"

"Well we came late after lunch" I said rolling my eyes.

"Be on time next time hunny" she said shaking her head while placing her infamous lasanga on our dinner table.


"Really?" My new friend asked over the phone call we were currently having.

"Yeah. It was actually good but I expected a bit more" I started talking about the movie while I walked over and sat on my bed.

She laughed when I told her about how I got detention. I kinda felt guilty because I left out the part with this Luke guy but I tried to push these thoughts back in my mind. She didn't say anything about the fact that I spent the day with Brent. She simply just ignored it.

"But tomorrow you will be eating with me" she said and I could basically hear the pout in her voice.

"Of course" I said.

"Great" she said clearly satisfied "I gotta go now. My brother just came home. And that means dinneeeeeeer" she sang out the dinner. "I will see you tomorrow."

"Sure, at our lockers?" I asked.

"Yeah and be on time" she teased.

"Yeah, yeah. Didn't you have to go?" I asked with fake annoyance

"Right. Bye" she said giving me barely the time to say my 'bye' back before she hung up.

I fell back in my bed. Pulling up the comforter up to my nose and closed my eyes.

This day was great. I can't believe I made two friends on the first day of school. This Luke guy is still weird. But it's not like I have to worry about him. I don't have anything to do with him. This won't be so bad after all.

At least that's what I think now.


Heyy loves xx

I hate the fact that I can't comment emojis *crying face*

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