Chapter 2 - First day

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"Ready?" My mom asked when I entered the kitchen.

"Jop" I said grabbing an apple and my schoolbag that I always put at the end of the staircase after finishing homework.

"Well then, leggo!" I don't understand how my mom managed to sound so enthusiastic but she did.

After she grabbed her keys and we grabbed our coffee cups we made our way outside to our car where I sat and put my bag on my lap cause why not?

In the car I turned the music up and my mom and I screamed the lyrics out to Green days 'American Idiot'.

Actually just half of the time, cause we spent the other half laughing at the terrible singing of the other.

"Have fun in school, hun" my mom said in a sickly sweet tone while grinning at me.

I raised an eyebrow and gave her a look thet said 'Are you trucking kidding me?'

But being the nice girl that I am I just thanked her in a at least as sickly tone as she did with me telling her that I will.

What would I do without my mom?

Yeah I am sometimes in my own world you know?

Like the one where you forget everything around you and just walk around lost in thought?

I like to call this world my 'blind world' cause I don't notice everything or see where I am walking in.

Like the time I accidentally walked into a wall...

Shut up stupid mind. Nobody has to know that!


What?! Damn. This is what I meant with not knowing where I am walking.

"Sorry" I said not even looking at the person in embaressment.

"No problem. Are you new?" A female voice said.

And when I looked up I saw a beautiful girl with brown hair and black glasses looking at me with a warm smile.

"Yeah?" i said insecure what made my answer sound more like a question.

"I am Lucy" she said sticking her hand out for me to shake.

"Alexa" smiling back at her I shook her hand.

Geez my first friend already. She is so nice. I like her.

"Mind if I'd show you around?"

"Nope. I would love to. Especially since they didn't think it was nessesary to send a map with my schedule. God this people need help" i get easily getting frustrated but when Lucy laughed it made me comfortable.

"Show me your schedule and I will be willing to be your lifesaver"

I gave her my schedule and studied her face which started to light up on an instant.

"We have the first and the third lesson together. So if you want we can walk there together and then I can walk you to your second class and then I can come and get you after this one and we go together to our third lesson and after I walked you to your 4th lesson I will walk you to lunch. Whatcha saying?"

"Sounds like a plan to me. But I need to get to my locker first. That's where my books are and all the shit this school didn't bother to send to me" i said slightly angry over this stupid school but Lucy's laugh pulled me back to realitly and made me smile too.

"Sure thing, what is your locker number?" She asked

"Trible number of missfortune" i answered.

"What?" Lucy's confused face made me laugh.

"3-1-3. 13 is the number of missfortune, and 3 times cause 3-1-3 get it? No. Okay"

"Ohhhh yeah I got it. That's clever" she said

That's just how I am.

"Mine is 316 so if you get lost just call me and i will save your life again" Lucy said with a big smile.

With Lucy by my side it will probably be a lot better than I thought it would.


"My gosh this was so boring" i said grabbing my stuff and looking over at Lucy who was sitting next to me in the most boring subject a school could teach.

Like seriously who cares in what people have done thousands of years ago?

"I second that. I feel like this school is just trying to get on my nerves" Lucy agreed shaking her head.

I grabbed my stuff and so did Lucy as we started to walk to our next class. Actually I just followed her to my class but who cares?

"Yeah. I bet if I would ask if the school could teach me how to pay taxes or anything nessesary that I will need in the future part of life they would decline and throw a history book at my face" i ranted but Lucy laughed and joined my rant.

She put her glasses down her nose and shook her forefinger like a mother who is telling her kid off for doing something wrong.

"No no no Miss Alexa. You will learn about other things that you will never need in life." Then she put her glasses back in the right position and a smile on her face.

"Like how to equate a circle"

"Yay life!" I said as anthusiastic as her.

"Have fun in Biologie sister" Lucy said giving me a hug.

She called me sister. That's so cute. I really like her.

"Thank's sis. And have fun in Maths. I bet it is as interesting as Biologie" i said hugging her back.

"See ya later"


And this is how I met Lucy.
The thing is just:
I didn't know how she would change my life.


Hey I hope you read this chapter.
I wouldn't hate you if you didn't cause it was pretty shitty, (lol that rhymed) but anyways thanks if you did and ily xx

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Btw to the side is a pic of Lucy with the classes that she is supposed to wear.

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