Chapter 5 - Who is Luke?

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"Luke?" I asked eyebrows raised.

"What?! Are you really telling me you don't know who he is?" He faked surprise with wide eyes and his jaw open

"Well it's not like I live here for only a few days" I answer rolling my eyes. "Now spill" I demanded

"Luke Styles. He's bad news" he answered looking up for a second. Directly in my eyes before eating.

"And why is that?" I asked.

Holy Manoly! What was that in his eyes? Anger?

"Yeah just stay away from him. He is not the kind to hang out with" he told me looking in my eyes. "Especially girls like you" he said with a wink.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean" I said as if I took offence in that. To make it more dramatic I put a hand over my heart.

"Nothing" he said and went back to his food with a grin.

"So maybe you are one of this Luke guy's friends and I shouldn't stick around with you too. Get me back to school" I said getting all 'defensive' and sticking my nose up in the air.

"I hate you" He said flipping me off.

"Hater's just a fan that is scared to admit it" I told him grinning.

"Ha-ha funny aren't we" he asked finishing his food.

"I know I am great and all this, you can tell me while we drive back to school. We have to be there in 15 minutes" I told him getting up.

He looked at his phone and imediatly stood up. "Then let's go!" He said loud enough for the guys around us to turn around. Including this Luke guy who had a look on his face as if he'd be thinking.

He is kinda strange

I laughed at how weird he was acting. Brent took my hand-
Such a cute gesture I KNOW
- and then led the way back to his car.


The ride back to school was quite short and fast and existed in pretty much me just laughing and Brent cursing about how we are gonna be late and so going to be getting in Detention.

I didn't stop laughing even when we arrived. Brent killed the engine and gave me a weird look.

"Girl, are you on drugs or something? What did they put in your food?" He asked, but that made me laugh even harder.

"No but your face when you looked at your phone clock was just priceless" I said between laughs.

"Definitely drugs" he said walking around the car to the passenger side and helping me out of the car. "I will never eat there again" he mumbles under his breath

"Awww somebody's grumpy?" I said and cracked up again.

Damn I am really annoying. Why does he not just leave me on the street? I should shut up!

Listening to my mind I imediatly shut up what caused Brent to stop walking and me to bump into his back. He turned around giving me a confused look.

"What's wrong?" He asked. My expression mimicking his I shook my head.

"Nothing" I said streching the word so it sounded more like a question. "Why would you think that? I had loads of fun. Thank you" I said hugging him. It took him some time to hug me back.

He shrugged "No it's just because you stopped laughing all of a sudden"

"Nope everything is alright" I said jumping around infront of him to show him that I am fine.

The bad boy's sister (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora