Chapter 1 - Meet me

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"Wake up! You don't want to be late on your first day at school, do you?"

Shut up I just want to sleep. Calm your tits, would you?

Well yeah.. I didn't say that, but I was thinking it. I don't want to wake up. I don't even want to be here. But of course she had to wake me up that early in the morning.

"I'm coming" I shouted instead.

"Take a shower and get dressed quickly" my mom said.

I rolled my eyes and took a quick shower. After I did so, I stood infront of my drawer.

I took out my black skinny Jeans, a white tank top and my favorite piece of clothing:

My black leather jacket.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy? Wear something proper!" My mothers head popped in my door.

"That is proper. And have you ever heard of knocking?!" I answered a bit pissed.

My mom walked to my drawer and searched for some good old need clothing "Here wear this" she said.

I looked at her in disbelief as she showed me a yellow summer dress which was in the back of my drawer.

"I am NOT wearing this!" I said shaking my head.

She should have noticed that I don't wear cute dresses.

.... at least not anymore. Since...

Stop! Don't think about it. Forget it. Alex. Calm down. She doesn't know what happened back then. Act normal.

"Why not honey? You used to wear a dress every day. It looks so cute. Look" she said turning me to look at my big mirror holding the dress infront of me.

Yeah cute my ass. If you only knew.... Arg stupid mind. Stop thinking about it. Just wear this stupid thing to make her happy and she will shut up.

"Fine, you're right mom. " I said putting a fake smile on.

"Great. You will look stunning. Girls will be jealous and boys will turn around instantly." My mom said while clapping her hands excitedly. Her eyes were glimming like a 5 years old's on christmas.

That made my smile turn into a real smile.

"Right I will get dressed then." I said pushing her out of my room.

While I was getting dressed I was thinking about what they will think of me.

And.... oh well shit how could I forget this?
Let me introduce me first:

I am Alexa. Alexa Maria Rivera. But I like to be called Alexa or just Alex, 'cause well why should you call me with all my names? I am 17 and just moved in here in this town.

That's all you need to know for now. I hope you get to know me better while reading this... MY story. And I hope I will learn to know some things about you too.

So you probably have noticed, I am about to have my first day of school, in this shit hole school.

And I don't have a clue of what will happen there...


Hey guys,

I hope you liked this 'Chapter' even though it was shit and uninteresting. But I will try to make it better.

This is my first try of a story, so yeah don't judge me.
Also I am no professional writer.
And the names will probably be changed in the future so yeah...

Please comment, what you think about this start.
And if you want you can comment.
But I prefer your comments at the moment.

Thank you for reading.


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