Chapter 3 - Biologie Acquaintances

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I hate being the new one. Everyone is always looking at me like I am a freaking alien from fucking mars. The way they all turn their heads when you enter the classroom.

Well and this is exactly what happened....

The second I entered all heads turned to the door.

The laughing, talking and what not stopped and everyone turned their attention to me.

God this is so awkward. I wish Lucy would be there.

I ducked my head and rushed to a seat in the back. Not the last row because that's where the Jerks sit. And not the first row 'cause I don't want to seem like a teacher's pet. The teacher always stares at you or in your exercise book and expects you to answer when the rest of the class is to stupid to know.

Even though I am really smart but well I don't like the first row.

I sat there in silence doing nothing for about 2 minutes till the teacher came.

Well the times where I sat on my phone and acted as if I were texting don't count to these 2 minutes.
I maybe don't have many friends here, one to be precise, and she was the only one who gave me her number.
Yeah that's right.

"Good morning class. As you probably have noticed, we have a new student. Please introduce you and tell us a few things about you" she said with a smile and a really nice voice.

"Hay, I am Alexa Rivera. I moved here a couple of days ago. Umm yeah I am 17 aaaand I don't know what else to say" I told them. Mainly the teacher cause I hate introducing myself.

Everyone is staring at you and judging you and it's awkward.

"That's great. Welcome in our Biologie class"

"Welcome" came a choir of voices. Even though it wasn't quite in sync.


What was that?

It's my first day and somebody already threw a piece of paper at me.

I looked behind me and saw a pretty cute boy smirking at me. So I picked up the piece of paper.

I mean he looks cute. Who knows what he wants?
Yeah don't judge me!

(Alexa is curvy and the boy is in bolt)



I am Brent.

I am Alexa but I guess you know that already.

Are you a visionary?

Yeah, but plzzz don't tell anyone about it or I will lose my power

Wanna grab a lunch later?

Sureee. Tell me when and where?

"Brent please put this piece of paper away and pay attention to class" The teacher told him in a demanding voice.

Great. I will tell you after class before Mrs. Whatever-her-name-was steals my paper xx

I looked at him and smiled to show that I read what the note said before I turned my attention back to the class.


After class ended and I packed my stuff and got ready to leave for my meeting with Lucy when I heard someone call my name.

"Alexa, Alexa! Wait" I turned around to see Brent walking over to me. Well better said jogging. He had only one of his bag's sleeves slung around his shoulder and his unbelievably cute smile plastered on his face.

"Oh, sorry Mrs. Dallas clouded my mind with the 'Symbols of nutrients' ." I said adding a little laugh because of my stupidy.

How could I forget this? But it made him laugh too so who gives a damn?

"No probs. Wanna make it up with a lunch later?"

"If it is the only way to make up for my terrible mistake" I said with fake Desperation.

"Unfortunatly, yes it is" he said faking sadness.

"I guess there is no way out" I said and he shook his head.

"What's your next class? I could fetch you from there and we can go and grab a lunch" he asked with a smile again.

"I think it is Maths" i said insecure taking out my schedule and nodding after I saw that I was right.

"Do you want me to walk you there?"

God he is so cute

"Oh... sorry my friend is already walking me" I said with a hint of sadness in my tone.

Who doesn't want a handsome boy walking you to your class?

"First day and already two friends? Wow you're good, Alexa"

Omg he called me a friend, and good.

"What can I say? Nobody can resist my awesomeness" I said cocky.

"Alexa" I heard Lucy's voice call me.

"Coming! That's my friend. She's waiting for me. I will see you later." I said.

"Is that Lucy?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Just asking. I knew I know this voice and I like being right so I asked to know if I was right." He said getting quieter and faster with each word."

"Kay, now you know you are right. See ya" i said laughing.

He gave me a hug out of nowhere and I hugged him back after a while.

I was surprised that he hugged me okay!

And after we changed our goodbyes I made my way over to Lucy who was waiting for me at the door.

"Heyy" Lucy said engulfing me in a hug.

"Heyy" I said hugging her back. Not as shocked as with Brent cause she is my friend and she is a girl.

Brent is your friend too. Shut up mind! I know.

When we started walking I looked back and saw Brent walking out giving me a smile.

"Was that just Brent you were talking to?" She asked.

"Yeah why?" I asked with furrowed brows.

" Just asking. I knew I know this voice and I-" she started but I cut her off, seeing she was struggling with an answer.

"And you like being right so you asked to know if you were right" i finished for her.

She nodded her head but stayed quiet.

What has happened with those two?

"Lucy?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She answered still not meeting my eyes.

"What has happened between you and Brent?"


Hey turtless,
That was Chapter 3 so yeah tell me what you think.

Btw this guy is called Brent cause I needed a name and I LOVE BRENT RIVERA.

And yes ik that Alexa kinda has his last name but i just love him but didn't want it to be a fan-fiction.

And my book Brent doesn't even look like Brent Austin Sexyness Rivera.

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