Chapter 6

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July 4th

"Ya know, GA, sometimes I really hate you!" I called out as we ran up the bridge. Junior decided to come out and play today.

"Yeah, she was probably gonna hang out with her boyfriend!" Speedy teased. I glared at him from behind. "It's not like you haven't been hanging out with him for the past 5 months. Two weeks isn't gonna kill you."

"Shut up, arrowhead! Cameron isn't my boyfriend!" I exclaimed. "And besides, I need friends other than you guys!"

"Alright, knock it off, you two!" GA yelled over the wind in our ears. We made it to the top of the bridge and were looking down at the road and the passing cars. Junior threw up an ice wall and a couple of cars flipped over. The ginger and the blonde archers shot exploding arrows at him and one hit him in the shoulder, exploding in his face and the other arrows exploding right after, knocking him around a bit. He looked up at us and he smirked.

"Finally! I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here." The ice on his arms grew bigger and he shot it at us.

"Junior's doing this for attention?" Speedy said as the ice came toward us. We ran toward the other side of the bridge, dodging ice as we went when I got tugged back. I looked behind me and saw part of the costume that trailed behind me caught in the ice.

"Damn it!" I yelled. I tugged on it and it slowly began to rip. And now I'm gonna be up for two days straight fixing this! Just great! It ripped and I was flung forward. Taking the momentum, I ran down the side of the bridge quickly and jumped jump off, landing next to Junior as Speedy shot an arrow at him.

"Hey there, handsome." I waved and smiled.

"Hey there, beau-" The arrow Speedy shot at him hit him in the jaw and, pardon my pun, knocked him out cold. GA and Speedy landed on the road next to me.

"Kid had a glass jaw." Ga and I laughed.

"Hilarious. Can we go? Today is the day." Speedy said seriously.

"Jesus, Speedy, live a little. It's not like we're gonna be the last ones there. Everyone knows that the speedsters are gonna be late." I scoffed and knelt next to Junior. I grabbed his face and looked at it. He reminded me of Cameron. Sharp jawline, white hair, and those intoxicatingly beautiful piercing blue eyes. They look so similar it's uncanny. Junior, seemingly subconsciously, pressed his cheek into my palm. I know he's a bad guy and all, but that was just cute. "Such a shame we've gotta put you in the back of a cop car, Junior." I ruffled his hair and set his head back down on the ground.

"Quit your flirting, Spirit." GA began walking away, Speedy following close behind. My eyes widened and I scoffed.

"I was not flirting!"


Speedy and I were standing with Green Arrow, Aquaman, Aqualad, Batman, Robin, and Sparrow, looking at the Hall of Justice, waiting for Flash and KF.

"Today is the day." Batman put his hands on Sparrow's and Robin's shoulders.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." GA continued.

"Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman finished.

"Oh, man!" I heard KF's voice behind me. I turned around and stared at the speedsters. They're late. Flash and KF skidded to a stopped in front of us. "I knew we'd be the last ones here." Sparrow jumped on KF and he quickly caught her, making sure she didn't fall.

"Hiya!" The young girl exclaimed.

"Hey there, Birdy. How ya been?" KF asked.

"Fightin' crime, gettin' hurt, ya know, the use." I smiled at them. I have a feeling those two are gonna end up together at some point. KF put Sparrow down and we all began walking toward the Hall.

"Is that Batman?"

"Aww, look at the twins!"

"Robin and Sparrow. They're adorable!"

"Oh my goodness!"

"Does Spirit have a mentor?"

"I think she helps out Green Arrow here and there."

"I see Flash and Flash Jr!"

"His name's Speedy. Duh."

"No, Speedy is Green Arrows sidekick."

"Well, that makes no sense."

"They have a point." Sparrow giggled next to Rob.

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" GA asked Speedy.

"Born that way." Speedy replied.

"I'm glad we're all here." Aqualad said.

"Have all 6 sidekicks ever been at the same place at the same time?" KF asked.

"Don't call us sidekicks." I said.

"Not after today." Speedy looked at KF and then forward.

"Sorry. First time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed." KF said.

"You're overwhelmed." Robin said.

"Freeze was underwhelmed." His twin continued.

"Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" They asked, speaking their weird language. The six of us and our mentors walked into the Hall.

"Oh, maybe that's why." Robin said, looking at the statues in front of us. Doors opened in from of us and we saw Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter. They stepped out and stop in front of us.

"Robin, Sparrow, Speedy, Spirit, Aqualad, Kid Flash. Welcome." Manhunter said. He turned around and we followed him and RT through the door. "You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and of course, our library."

"Make yourselves at home." Flash said. KF, Rob, and Sparrow did just that. The boys jumped into the chairs and jumped on top of Rob, sitting on his lap. Speedy and I stood.

"Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day. We shouldn't be long." Batman said, turning around.

"Ice villains. Thanks, Bats, I might just join 'em." He looked at Sparrow. "Tch." The computer scanned the Justice League and Speedy seemed mad.

"That's it!? You promised us a real look inside. Not a glorified backstage pass."

"It's a first step." Aquaman said. "You've been granted access few others get."

"Oh really!?" Speedy pointed to the with do of people looking at us. Just for their entertainment, Sparrow did a triple back handspring, launched herself into the air, did a double flip, and land on her toes, smiling.

"Thank you, have a nice night!" She blew them a kiss and waved. Speedy glared at her then at the League.

"Who cares which side of the glass we're on?" He exclaimed.

"Roy, you just need to be patient." GA said.

"What I need, is respect!" Speedy turned around and looked at me then the others. "They're treating us like kids. Worse, like sidekicks! We deserve better than this." The boys, Sparrow, and I looked at each other then back at Speedy like "Okay and?" It didn't help Speedy's attitude. "You're kidding, right? You're playing their game? Why!? Today was supposed to be the day! Step one in being full-fledged members of the League."

"Well, sure, but I thought step one was a tour of the HQ?" KF asked.

"Except the Hall isn't the League's real HQ! I bet they never told you, it's just a false front for tourists. And a pit stop for catching Zeta-Beam teleporter tubes to the real thing. An orbiting satellite called the Watchtower." We were shocked. Did they lie to us?

"I know, I know, but I thought maybe we could make an exception?" Batman sent GA the bat glare. "Or not."

"You are not helping your cause here, son. Stand down or-" Roy cut off Aquaman.

"Or what? You'll send me to my room!? And I'm not your son. I'm not even his. I thought I was his partner. But not anymore." Roy grabbed his hat and threw it on the ground. He began walking away. "Guess they were right about your 5. You're not ready." He walked out of the room.

"I'll see you later. I gotta calm him down." I waved and ran off after Roy. "Speedy! Wait up!" Why is this boy so damn fast?!

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