Chapter 4

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Headed out of the concert

Cameron and I were walking hand in hand in the direction of my apartment building. People were pushing and shoving their way through the doors behind us.

"Hey there, sexy." Said a drunk voice. I let go of Cameron's hand and spun around. There was a man behind us, definitely older than 20, holding a beer bottle.

"Goodbye, sir." I tried to turn around but the man grabbed my arm.

"I don't think so, missy." He tugged me toward him and Cameron grabbed my arm.

"Sir, I think she said goodbye. That does not mean keep talking to her. We've got to get home. Have a nice night. Now let go." Cameron looked slightly irritated.

"And what are you gonna do about it, buster?" The drunk asked.

"Sir, I won't ask you again. Let go of her." Cameron glared at the man and balled his fist. All hell's about to break loose. The man looked at Cameron.

"I'd lose the look if I were you, boy." Cameron lost it. I ducked and Cameron swung his fist at the man, hitting him in the jaw. The man let go of me and grabbed his jaw with both hands. I stood up.

"I told you to let go and you didn't listen. Your fault. Let's go home, Abby." He grabbed my hand and began dragging me away. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm-" I was cut off by being pulled back spun around. The man had me again and his grip was very tight. Hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me away from the man and Cameron started beating the crap out of the man, the drunk only managing to get a few hits.

"Cameron, stop! He's down! That's enough!" I exclaimed. Cameron's fist reeled back to hit him again but didn't go back down.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" Cameron yelled at the man. Cameron got off of him and walked over to me with a busted lip, a bleeding eyebrow, an already bruising eye, and bruised knuckles. "I was gonna kill that son of a bitch."

"We're going home, and you are staying the night. No questions asked." I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the street toward my apartment.

At her apartment building

"Abby, I'm not staying." Cameron said for the 12th time on the way home.

"Yes, you are, Cameron." I opened the door to my home and dragged him inside. "Bathroom is the first door on the left down the hall. I'll be there in a sec. Go." I shut the door and locked it. I set down my black jacket on the chair and headed toward the bathroom. Cameron was sat down on the toilet seat, slowly falling asleep. I reached down into the cupboard and grabbed the medical stuff. "Sit up." Cameron's head snapped up and looked at me.

"You don't have to-"

"Stop talking." I grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him to me. His eye had slightly gotten worse and his lip was still bleeding. His eyebrow on the other hand had stopped and scabbed over. I grabbed the cleaning alcohol and a cotton ball, drenching it.

"This is gonna sting a bit." I gently placed the cotton ball on his eyebrow and he hissed in pain. "Sorry." While I was cleaning his injuries, Cameron was clenching and unclenching his fist, and he didn't realize I saw it. I grabbed his hand. He looked at me. "Are you okay, Cameron?"

"Yeah, just stings like a bitch." Cameron's leg started bouncing up and down instead of clenching his fists. But it was making his face move. I sat on his lap and his leg stopped moving instantly.

"You were bouncing your leg and moving your face and I couldn't do anything without hurting you more." I said, placing a small band-aid on his eyebrow, getting off his lap, and going to grab a washcloth.

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