Chapter 8

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July 8th

I had gotten a call from Wally at 7 o'clock this morning saying to meet him in Central City by his house so we could go to the new team's base of operation. I got up and threw on a white cropped tank top, shorts, and I pulled on a red, white, and blue flannel over it. We used the zeta tubes and we were meet with Robin, Sparrow on crutches, Kaldur, and a new guy that looked a lot like Superman. Green Lantern and other League members were taking things and getting them out of the cave.

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justices League. We're calling it into service again. Since you 5 are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you'll do it on League terms." Batman looked at us.

"Sir, with all due respect, don't you mean the 6 of us?" His glare shifted to me and Ollie walked up behind me, smacking me in the back of the head. "Ow! What?! I'm not invisible!" Then everyone's eyes turned to me. I facepalmed. "Oh shut up." Sparrow and Robin snickered.

"Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary is in charge of training. I will deploy you on missions." Batman continued.

"Real missions?" Robin asked. Batman looked at him and the rest of us.

"Yes. But covert."

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff. There's a reason we have these big targets on our chest." Barry said. We turned to look at him.

"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman said. Batman looked at him then at us.

"The 7 of you will be that team." He said.

"Cool!" Robin laughed. "Wait. 7?" Batman looked behind us. We all turned around and two people walked out of the shadows.

"This is the Martian Manhunters niece. Miss Martian." The red-headed girl wore something similar to her uncle. White top with a red X, red and gold belt, blue boots, skirt, gloves, and cape with a golden clasp. The two stopped and the girl held her arm as she waved at us, appearing nervous.

"Hi." She said.

"Liking this gig more every minute." Wally said to Robin. Sparrow scoffed and shoved her way past them to get to the girl.

"Don't mind those two. They're idiots." She balanced herself on her uninjured leg and one of the crutches and held her hand out to the martian girl. "Hi, I'm Sparrow. It's nice to meet you." They shook hands and smiled at each other. Wally stood next to the youngest girl.

"Uh, welcome aboard. I'm Kidflash. That's Robin, Aqualad, Spirit. It's cool if you forget their names." I rolled my eyes and Sparrow slammed her crutch onto his foot. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"For being a jerk." She glared at him. She looked back at the young martian. "Robin, the boy in the sunglasses, is my twin brother."

"Older twin." Sparrow turned around and glared at Robin.

"I will throw these crutches at you!" I smiled at the girl.

"Welcome to the team."

"I'm honored to be included." She said holding her hands to her chest. Robin, Kaldur, and I walked over to meet her. Robin turned around and looked at Superboy.

"Hey, Superboy. Come meet Miss M." He called. SB walked over and stood between Kaldur and Robin. Miss M looked at his shirt and hers turned black, her cape disappearing.

"I like your t-shirt." She smiled at him. He smiled back. Oh, I feel some love in the air! Robin nudge him in the side and smirked. Wally sped over and wrapped his arm around Superboys' shoulder. Kaldur looked at all of us.

"Today is the day." He said. The boys and I walked off to talk to each other while Miss Martian and Sparrow talked.

"Is it just me, or do you think Superboy over there like Miss Martian?" I whispered to Kaldur. He looked between the two then back at me.

"You may be right. But we'll see." He patted my shoulder with his webbed fingers. "For now, we'll leave them alone. Let it happen on its own."

"Oh, of course. I'd never get in the way of someone's love life." I smiled.

"And what about you? I've heard you're hanging out with a boy." My cheeks flushed red and I went invisible, only my clothes telling you where I was. Kaldur chuckled. "Who is he? What is he like?" I became visible when I started talking again.

"Cameron is your typical human high school bad boy, but with a soft side. When I met him, I was walking home from work and he was saving me from a guy on the street that wanted... nasty things. Pretended to be my boyfriend to do it. That was on Valentine's Day. We've been hanging out ever since. He's rather... protective, as well. Are you familiar with the singer Avril Lavigne?" I looked at him.

"I don't believe I've heard her songs, but you talk about her quite often." He smiled.

"Well, the day after my birthday, he took me to her concert that was in Starling City as my birthday present!" I squealed. "Oh, we had so much fun! Until after the concert. Apparently, they had alcohol for the adults and we were walking back to my apartment when this drunk guy came out of nowhere and grabbed me. Cam, he, uh... kind beat the crap out of him and almost didn't stop until I told him to. I took him home and cleaned him up and he stayed the night and slept in my room. I didn't sleep until after my dad left for work around 6:30. Cam woke up from a nightmare when my dad left my room and thought that I'd died." I thought back on the memory. Why would he have a nightmare about that? I shook my head. "As far as appearances go, he's gorgeous! His eyes are so blue like sapphires. And his hair is white like snow. He reminds me of Junior a bit if I'm being honest. But that's probably just a coincidence. He hasn't answered my calls when I called him after the whole Hall incident. I'm starting to worry." Kaldur looked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure he is fine. If what you said about him fighting someone to protect you, then he can very well defend himself." He said. I sighed.

"I know, Kal. But, what if I did something wrong? I didn't talk to him for two weeks because I was helping Ollie and Roy out and I feel bad. What if he thinks I hate him or something?" I asked worriedly.

"If he truly likes you, he will know that you don't. I'm sure he will answer you soon." I smiled at him.

"Kaldur, have I ever told you what a great friend you are?" I asked him. He smiled.

"You may have mentioned it." He replied.

"Well, Kaldur, you are a great friend." I hugged him as he chuckled. I pulled away and looked at him. "Alright, I'm gonna head home. My parents probably want to spend time with me while they can."

"Goodbye, Abigail." He waved.

"Goodbye, everyone! I'm headed home. I'll see you all later." I called out, my voice echoing around the room.

"Bye, Abigail!" Wally called.

"Later!" The twin said in unison.

"Goodbye!" Miss Martian smiled at me. Superboy just waved. I waved back and used the zeta tubes to get home. Breakfast, hang out with Mom and Dad and then hide in my room. Sounds like a plan to me!

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