Chapter 9

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July 18th

I was standing away from the others, wearing a black crop top with lace at the bottom and on the back, a red and black flannel skirt that tied at the top and middle, a pair of ankle length boots, and a black leather jacket. My phone was pressed to my ear when Wally, Robin, and Sparrow zeta tubed into the mountain.

"Hello, this is Cameron the Charmer. I can't come to the phone right now. If your need me that badly, leave me a message after the beep." The sound of Cameron's voice rang in my ears before it was cut off by a loud beep. I sighed.

"Hi, Cameron. I know I keep calling, but I'm really worried about you. It's been almost a month and I haven't heard from you. Please, please, call me back. I really miss you." I hit the hang up button and walked over to the others as Wally, Robin, and Kaldur began running off, as me, MM, SB, and Sparrow all walked. The 7 of us met up at the vehicle entrance of the Mountain as Red Tornado showed up.

"Red Tornado!" Wally waved at the android as he landed on the ground.

"Greetings. Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?" He asked.

"We hoped you had a mission for us." Kaldur said.

"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility." RT replied.

"But it's been over a week, and nothing-" Robin began.

"You'll be tested soon enough." RT cut him off. "For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company."

"This team isn't a social club." Sparrow crossed her arms. "Coming in every day just to hang out isn't helping people."

"No, but I am told social interaction is an important team-building exercise." RT said to us. "Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the cave." RT walked past the group and headed into the cave while Sparrow, Robin, and Wally glared at the back of his metal head.

"'Keep busy'." Wally gently punched Robin in the arm.

"Does he think we're falling for this?" Robin exclaimed.

"Oh, I'll find out." MM turned around and faced the robot. After a moment or so, she sighed and had a crestfallen look on her face. "I-I-I'm sorry. I forgot he's a machine, inorganic. I cannot read his mind."

"It was a nice try." I comforted the girl.

"So, uh, you know what I'm thinkin' right now?" Wally asked in a failed attempt at flirting. Sparrow scoffed.

"We all know what your thinkin' now." She muttered and crossed her arms as Robin elbowed Wally in the side.

"Ow." Wally looked at him and then at Sparrow, causing her to look away quickly.

"And now we tour the clubhouse." Kaldur said sadly, looking at the ground.

"Well, Superboy and I live here. We can play tour guides." Miss M suggested. Wally, Robin, Kal, and Sparrow looked at the clone while I looked at my phone, checking for a text or call.

"Don't look at me." SB said. Wally turned back to Miss M.

"We won't. A private tour sounds much more fun." Wally blurted out suggestively. I looked up at the boy with wide eyes.

"Wa-wait she-" Robin began, but Sparrow cut him off.

"She never said private." She glared at the ginger.

"Team building. We'll all go." Kaldur said.

"I'm in no mood to handle Wally's constant flirting. Someone can give me a tour later." Sparrow fixed her crutches and headed out into the trees. "I've got my phone, Rob. Text me if you get worried."

"Alright. I love you, Sis!" He called after her while walking away.

"I love you too, Bro!" Sparrow headed off on her own. Wally watched the girl leave.

"Wally, you're stupid." I patted him on the shoulder, following MM back into the cave.

"So this would be our front door..." The martian girl showed us all around the cave, leading us toward the back last. "... and this would be the back. The cave is actually the entire mountain."

"It was hollowed out and reinforced by Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the League." Wally informed us.

"Then why abandon it for the Hall of Justice?" SB asked.

"The caves secret location was compromised." Kaldur said.

"So they traded it in for a tourist trap?" SB sounded confused. "Yeah. That makes sense."

"If the villains know of the cave, we must be on constant alert." MM concluded. Well, that's a good way to think, I guess. Robin grabbed MM's hand and she looked at him.

"The bad guys know we know they know about the place so they'd never think to look here." He said, trying to calm her down.

"In more simpler terms, we're hiding in plain sight." I concluded for us slower people.

"Ah, that's much clearer." The alien girl looked at Robin. SB suddenly sniffed the air.

"I smell smoke." MM gasped.

"My cookies!" She flew as fast as she could to the kitchen and we all followed close behind. She pulled out a batch of cookies from the oven as we all got to the kitchen. "I was trying out Grammy Jones recipe from episode 17 of.. huh, never mind." They girl quickly cut herself off.

"I bet they'd have tasted great. He doesn't seem to mind." Robin said pointedly as Wally as he was wolfing down the burnt cookies. Everybody looked at the male ginger. Her looked at everyone and then at MM.

"I have a serious metabolism." He said with a mouthful of cookies.

"I'll make more?" The girl offered questioningly.

"It was sweet of you to make any." Kaldur smiled at her.

"Thanks, Aqualad." MM said to him.

"We're off duty. Call me Kaldur'ahm. Actually, my friends call me Kaldur." The dark Atlantain said.

"I'm Abigail." I waved.

"I'm Wally. See? I already trust you with my secret ID unlike Mr. Dark Glasses over there and his sister." Wally said. "Batman's Forbidden the birdies from telling anyone their real names."

"And you know if we did, he'd kill us, motormouth." I heard a feminine voice sound from behind us. We all turned around and saw Sparrow crunching her way into the kitchen.

"Feeling better, Sparrow?" I asked. She nodded.

"Thanks, Abs." She smacked the back of Wally's head. "You can shut up now, speedy."

"Well, my name is no secret. It's M'gann M'orzz. But, you can call me Megan. It's an earth name, and I'm on earth now." The Martian said excitedly. Superboy started walking away from the group but he suddenly grunted and stopped, looking back at M'gann.

"Get out of my head!" He shouted at her and the rest of us were very confused until I felt something in my head. It was slightly painful.

"What's wrong? I-I don't understand." I heard M'gann's voice echo through my head. "Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically." I grabbed my head and rubbed my temples.

"M'gann, stop." Kaldur told he girl in a commanding tone. "Things are different on Earth." His tone softened slightly. "Here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy."

"Besides, Cadmus' creepy little psychic genomes left a bad taste in his brain." Wally said, talking about Superboy.

"I-I didn't mean to-"

"Just. Stay. Out." Superboy's gruff voice echoed off the walls and he walked away and sat on the couch. I sighed and looked at everyone else.

"Well, I'm going home. It's been fun hanging out with you guys. I'll see you later." I waved to everyone and headed toward the Zeta Tubes.

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