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Disclaimers :
Character death.
Self harm
Mild swearing

(There might be a few mistakes here and there sorry about that, anyways hope you like it.)

Yamaguchis POV:

Wednesday (November)

I'm in math class, I'm a little out of it today. I was afraid this morning that today would be one of those days where I have a tone of flashbacks, but it seemed to be going pretty good.

A paper ball just got thrown at me, oh shit I was zoning out again. Tsukki gestures me to pay attention. One more hour of class and then it's practice time. I just gotta get through this class and then I should be fine right?

...after class...

Man that class was long, it took years off my life. Thank god it's over because now it's time for practice.

Practice was going well until, I felt this pit in my stomach. Kageyama set to Hinata and Hinata was blocked by Tsukki (no surprise there), but Hinata fell onto his back (it looked like it hurt a lot) and he let out a small yelp of pain. Then the gym went black and white, and suddenly I wasn't in the gym, I was home.

I see my mom in the kitchen fighting with my dad, she had a knife in her hand from cooking, she points the knife at my dad. She threatens to kill him. He doesn't move an inch, all he says is : "you're a monster." Next thing I see, he's on the floor blood coming out of his chest where she stabbed him.
...end of flashback...

I feel like I'm going to be sick, I run to the bathroom with my arms around my stomach. I let out everything. A minute later I hear the bathroom open, and a tall blond haired boy walks in.

Tsukki :
Yamaguchi you...

He sees me vomiting  and crying in the stall, he runs over to help me.

Tsukki :
It's ok Tadashi. Everything is gonna be ok.

He comforts me, I keep on puking. I feel so bad. I finish my "letting out my insides" and lean against the stall wall.

Tsukki :
You gonna tell me what happened?

I sit up.

Me :
It was nothing...

I chuckle...

Tsukki feels my forehead.

Tsukki :
You feel warm, maybe you should sit this practise out.

I nod, we get up and walk out of the bathroom. Practice was already almost over, sadly. I did not want to go home, moms probably home from work. Tsukki walks me home, I love it when he does that. How could somebody possibly be so pretty. Well it was possible because Tsukki was the prettiest being when it came down to it. We go our separate ways, I dread the walk to my house.

I'm now standing in front of my door, I'm shaking. I'm a little late, so she would be pissed as soon as I walked through those doors. Okay I gotta go in, I can't avoid it forever. I walk in the house, it's quiet. I figure I can just run up stairs unnoticed. However that's not the case, well it never is.

Mom :
Tadpole, your home I was so worried.

She comes closer to me.

Mom :
And you know how much I hate worrying.

I flinched as she threw the the glass vase from the table by the door at me. It shattered against the doors. She came up to me and looked me in the eyes.

Mom :
Why were you late? Huh Tadpole!

Me (I lied): 
I-i got lo-ost on the way-y-y back.

I said stuttering in fear...

Mom :
I know you're lying you piece of shit.

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me up.

Mom :
You were with that boy huh, you little faggot!

She let go of me and slammed me to the ground.

Mom :
Clean this up you useless lump.

I nodded, she left to her room. I cleaned everything up before going to my room. I lay on my bed staring at my fan.

Thoughts : I'm so useless, I'm so unlovable that not even my mother loves me, I suck at volleyball, the team hates me, Tsukki thinks I'm a burden. I'm a burden.

I get up from my bed and go to my desk, I open the drawer and stare at my blade. Fuck it. I start cutting my wrist. Nothing, I feel nothing. I see the blood from my wrist drip onto my desk. I take out my things and disinfect my wrist and lazily bandage it.

Tsukki's calling? Why?

I answer the call.

Tsukki :
Hey Yamaguchi!

Me :
Hi Tsukki.

Tsukki :
So what's up.

Me :
Oh nothing really, why you calling? Not that I'm not happy your calling it's just spontaneous.!

Tsukki :
Oh I wanted to ask you if you wanted to pair up for tomorrow's project?

Me :
How do you know we have a project?

Tsukki :
The king was talking to the shrimp about it today so I figured we would have the same or a similar project.

We keep on talking for a bit.

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