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Time skip... at the hospital. 

I was in the waiting room when I saw the hole team come in. Takeda had told them what happened after I called him on the way to the hospital.

Suga :
Hey Tsukki how is he, do we have any news?

Me :
No not yet he hasn't woken up. But they did bandage his arm and eye.

Daichi :
Okay that's good. Any news on his mother.

Me :
My uncle said he would call me as soon as he knows anything.

Suga :
Okay that's good. That's good.

Daichi :
Okay so you can calm down now baby.

Suga :
Right sorry.

The team kept on talking. I was happy they were here, but I would never tell them that. Then a doctor came our direction and I stood up immediately.

Me :
Doctor, how is he? Is he gonna be okay?

Doctor :
He's fine. He woke up about five minutes ago but we had to check up on him. But one of you can go in now. Just try to keep him from having to much stress.

Me :
Yes thank you doctor.

I turned to the team all of them happy that Tadashi was awake.

Me :
Okay who wants to go in?

Nishinoya :
Dude you go.

Me :

Tanaka :
Yeah bro I mean we can see him later. Your his boyfriend go.

Me :
Okay I'll be back.

Hinata :
Tell Yamaguchi I said hi!

I left and the nurse pointed me to my green haired boyfriends room.

I knocked.

Me :

Tadashi :
Kei, hi.

Me :
Hey how's it going.

Tadashi :
Pretty good. The doctor gave me some meds so I feel a little doozy but no pain so that's great.

He gave me a thumbs up and I smiled.

Me :
So what did the doctor say?

Tadashi :
He said that I have 3rd degree burns on my eye and my left forearm and that im gonna have to wear these bandages for a month and then wear a compression brace on my arm but then my eye should be fine. He said im gonna look like this dude.

He showed me a picture of Shoto Todoroki from an anime called My hero academia. I had just finished watching it.

Me :
Wow your gonna look like one of my favorite anime characters.

Tadashi :
Yeah cool I guess.

Me :
Hey baby guess what!?

Tadashi :

Me :
The hole team is here. Takeda told them everything after I called him on on the way here. You want to see them?

Tadashi :

Me :
Okay I'm gonna go get them.

Tadashi's POV:

Kei :
Okay I'm gonna go get them.

I was so happy the team was here and I was relieved I did not have to tell them all that happened.

Not to long after Kei begging the doctor to let everyone in. The whole team came in. 

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