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Kei's POV :

I watch him skate and I watch his eyes be the happiest I've ever seen them be. I skate and he joins me.

Me :
Wow your really good. Show me more.

I insisted. I sat on the bench on the rink and watched him do his tricks. I just watched in aww. How could he be so pretty and good. I love him so much.

Tadashi :
Come join!

He motioned to me. I got up and he came and grabbed my hands and started skating. I followed his lead. The song lemon boy by cavetown came up. And he just skated and danced to the song and I followed him. At one point I ran into him and just kissed him. As soon as the song ended we heard claps. There were a tons of people including my parents and my brother clapping at the show we had just put on. Hehe that was fun I guess.

The day went on pretty well and then when we got home it was late. It was almost 10 pm.

Tadashi's POV :

Today was amazing. I skated like I use to I loved it. I spent the day with my boyfriend and his family on a day where I got presents. It was great.

4 years later ( Tadashi : 19 and Kei : 20 )

Kei's POV :

It's Christmas Day and Tadashi has given me my gift but I did not give him his. Because I'm planning on proposing at the rink where we had our first Christmas years ago.

I invited all my family and all our friends to come.

So I'm in the car with him right know.

Tadashi :
Where are we even going.

Me :
You'll see.

We get to the port and his eyes light up.

Tadashi :
Is this.

Me :

Tadashi :
Oh my god I haven't been in so long.

Me :
I know that's why I brought you here.

We went to get a hot chocolate and then.

Me :
Tadashi come here!

I say as im borrowing the skates to go skate on the rink.

Tadashi :
Okay. What is it-

He sees the skates and jumps in happiness it's so cute.

Tadashi :
We're gonna skate. Oh my gosh yay hahaha.

We put on our skates and we're good to go we start skating and I see our friends and family start to come up and watch but he doesn't notice them.

Then the song Lemon boy by Cavetown comes on at the perfect moment. I look around to make sure everyone is there. Okay let's do this.

Me :

He looks at me.

Tadashi :

Me :

Four years ago I had the best thing happen to me. I started to date my favorite person in the entire world and today

I get down on one knee. And he covers his mouth with his hands.

Me :
today I want you to not only be my best friend and boyfriend but my fiancé and then my husband.

I open the box.

Me :
Tadashi Yamaguchi, will you marry me?

Tadashi's POV :

Kei :
Tadashi Yamaguchi, will you marry me?

I shake my head.

Me :
Yes. Yea I will!

I start crying. He puts the ring on my finger and gets up and we kiss.

Then I hear clapping I look around and see everybody I love there.

Our friends and old volleyball team. Kei's parents and brother.

This was the best day of my life... well?

5 months later:

Officiant :
I now pronounce you married.

Kei takes me and tilts me and we kiss.

Okay THIS was THE BEST day of my LIFE.

...the end...

12042 words. 😆😆😆😆

A/N :
I had so much fun writing this I hope you like the end. Anyways that's it for this story. 😊

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