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Kei :
Okay so my mom called my uncle who's a police officer and they're gonna be there in about 20 minutes, Takeda showed them the recording of you stating what she does.

Me (whispering) :
He recorded that?

Kei :
Yeah we needed proof. Where are you, why are you whispering.

Me (whispering) :
Next to the stairwell so that I can see what she's doing.

Kei :
What is she doing.

I froze.

Kei :
Tadashi everything okay?

Me (whispering) :
She just took out a camera hidden in then plant.

I said with a scared tone. I knew it. I knew she had put a camera but I forgot about it.

Kei :
Oh shit.

Me (whispering) :
She's watching it. Actually no, she just skipping to one part. US KISSING.

I said that last part yell whispering if that's a thing.

Mom :
Tadpole come here.

I left the phone there and went downstairs trying to keep and innocent look on my face.

She turned around and kept prepping the sauce and checking on the boiling water.

Mom :
So tadpole look at what's on my computer.

I looked it was a shot of me and Kei kissing.

Mom :
You see you disobeyed my rule of no one comes in the house and your a fag. Do you know how mad I am right now.

She turned around.

Mom :
Well what do you have to say for yourself.

I was trembling. When she doesn't act mad means that she even more mad then when she just let's it out.

Mom :
You can never, ever see that boy again.

I gulped and then :

Me :
You know what mom. No, I am going to see Kei again you know why. Because I love him and he loves me. Unlike u apparently.

Mom :
How dare you speak like that to me. I raised you, I clothed you, I sent you to a good school.

Me :
Yeah but you did all that to make up for everything else you did. You said you loved, and I always knew that was bullshit but you've just proven my point.

This was the first time I had ever fought for myself against my mother.

Mom :
You know what is bullshit. You. Your a little piece of shit and I CANT EVEN STAND TO CALL YOU MY SON.

She picked up the pot of boiling water and splashed it on me. I covered my face with my left forearm but that did not keep me from having a burn on my right eye.

Not even 2 seconds later the police came in and arrested her including Kei coming to help me.

I was crying uncontrollably.

Kei :
Tadashi can you hear me? It's gonna be okay just breath.

He brought me to the sink and ran my arm under the running cold water and got an ice pack for my eye.

My vision became spotted with black dots and I soon passed out.

Kei's POV :

I leave his house and I get more and more nervous. Another few minutes pass by until I get a call from my boyfriend.

Hey so? What happened?

He started explaining.

Me :
Okay so my mom called my uncle who's a police officer and they're gonna be there in about 20 minutes, Takeda showed them the recording of you stating what she does.

Tadashi (whispering) :
He recorded that?

Me :
Yeah we needed proof. Where are you, why are you whispering.

Tadashi (whispering) :
Next to the stairwell so that I can see what she's doing.

Me :
What is she doing.

I froze.

Me :
Tadashi everything okay?

Me (whispering) :
She just took out a camera hidden in then plant.

Oh my god he told me about a camera but I did not think of it.

Kei :
Oh shit.

Me (whispering) :
She's watching it. Actually no, she just skipping to one part. US KISSING.

Oh shit this is bad.

Mom :
Tadpole come here.

I heard his mom call him Tadpole and asking him to go to her.

Me :
Tadashi? TADASHI?

Oh shit what is she going to do to him.

I turned my head and saw 3 police cars pulling over next to me. And then my uncle coming out of the 1st car.

My uncle :
Hi Kei. So everything okay?

Me :
I was just on the phone with Tadashi and he was being called by his mom to go see her, I haven't heard from him since.

My uncle :
Okay guys get ready we're gonna go in.

Me :
Thank you.

My uncle :
No problem kid. You really love him don't you...

Me :
Yeah I really do.

We exchanged a smile.

They went in and then my uncle gestured me to come in.

I was confused but I went in and saw Tadashi crying and holding his eye and I saw his burnt left arm. I panicked and brought him over to the sink.

Me :
Tadashi can you hear me? It's gonna be okay just breath.

I ran his arm under cold running water and got an ice pack for his eye.

Then he started to get dizzy he was unsteady and then he blacked out.

Me :
Tadashi. Tadashi?

He was not waking up.

Me :
Please call an ambulance someone.

Police officer :
On it.

No to long after the ambulance arrived and they took care of Tadashi and I was aloud to ride in the ambulance with him.

Me :
I'm going with him okay!

My uncle :
Yes go we got this.

2 seconds after I saw Tadashi's mom being brought into the police car and I let out a sigh of relief.

I then went on the ambulance and sat in the seat next to Tadashi's stretcher and held his non burnt hand.

Me :
It's okay Tadashi, im here.

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