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Missed someone so bad that you couldn't hold it anymore?

Missed them,so that you closed your eyes many times trying to picture their faces?

But you couldn't do it because of the stupid tears

Wanted to cry till they come to you again

You want to look at them one more time

Hug them once more

Cry on their shoulder

Even to annoy them one more time and see how they used to look when they are annoyed

Missed the way they looked at you and you made yourself not interested in them

Wanted to tell them your stories,to share your success with them,

to make them proud

Wanted to tell them you made it and you couldn't

You just cried and couldn't take your sound out and utter a word

Here is a thing :

You still have a chance and don't think that I'm hoping too much

if you gonna say to me that some had gone to the other side

They didn't go anywhere in our hearts, they are still there as they always have been

For those, you can cherish their memories, hold it so close to you

I know you are going to cry for them, call for them loudly on some days

But let me assure you that they miss you as much as you do and maybe more

so,wipe their tears and make them smile

By remembering them at the happiest moments that they have shared with you

Remember their old advises to you

BUT, if they were here with us and hadn't gone anywhere

Just distance is separating us from them

Maybe a fake distance we made because of our big ego

Those who we miss the most,they are away from us because of our stubborn brains

We should go to them and say we are sorry. As long as we have a chance to say it

AND if it for those who we have been pushing away because we don't want to feel our love towards them again

Let me tell you : love won't fade easily ,so,instead of being against it , go with it and be happy to have it.

That's the thing :) 

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