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We've been here before,you and I

Him and her,they've been here too

So hush no need to be shy,no need to be embarrassed just let me tell the story of a Why

When a little girl asked her mother,but the mother didn't give her a satisfying reply

When a little boy wanted to go with his father but the father asked him to stay and be the man of the house

Her mother didn't tell her and his father didn't explain to him why

Why he had to leave and never come back..

Why she couldn't tell her that reality isn't a beautiful painting like  hers

They grew up and met,the girl couldn't make his life full of colours cause her mother didn't tell her why..

Why she shouldn't use colours to draw but instead she forced her to read black books and write using the darkest ink

He couldn't promise her to stay,to him his dad left why would he stay

Hush just let me continue the story of How

How together they lived,day by day they learned the story of Why

He left but kept coming back to her,each time he brought a colour with him

She started to paint again,she made their life full of colours

And one day they knew why their parents never gave them a reply

They lived to tell the story of How,
How they changed their own lives together and forever.

We can write our stories,we just need to try harder.

That's the thing.

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