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Write it down

Stop swinging it here and there,stop it and write it

Put it out so they could see,say it loud so they could hear

Light up the candles,wake up the dead

Start making the ritual why are you hiding it instead?

They've been waiting..why couldn't you give them what they need?

They said write it down,they said draw it let us know

Mouths spoke,eyes were waiting to mock

it's hard..unbearable when words can't describe it

When your own hand fails to move (fails you) and your ink starts to disapprove

Let me write you shout with your fear ( it's a whisper in real)

Your inner is suffering?Why?For who?Does it worth it?

How could you write about the monster when he is near?

How could you write about sadness without shedding a tear?

You can't..I CAN'T..it's so hard to feel

A scream..The scream how could you write it?

A Bouncing one inside you, hitting your ribs you feel you are falling but falling inside like your soul is being ripped and you are still alive

Please get out your tears start to fall but it's still inside with no doubt

Happy?I'm starting to forget how it feels..

Sad?Mad?or maybe bad??is it angry? lonely?...broken?..Disappointed?..unbearable

None of them.

It's nothing,it's always been nothing

Surrounded with emptiness,filled with unbearable feelings

Nothing..I wrote nothing cause nothing happened

Nothing will change

Nothing day and night

Nothing with this endless fight

They are waiting what will you say? They are asking..what's your answer?

Oh right,nothing with a smile to be more polite

Don't worry it's nothing I will survive (you say it drowned with lies..)

True there's some unspoken words,but there's more hidden screams.

Those are unbearable to let out and unbearable to hear.

That's the thing. :)

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