"A reason"

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A reason to stay..

A reason to leave

A reason to survive

A reason to believe

A reason to hope for the best and pray to be blessed 

A reason to love,

to care,to fear,

to hear,to bear,

to stand again,

to succeed,

to lead,

to agree or disagree,

to understand,

to appreciate,

fight for,

cherish it,

to be happy about,

to dance and sing out loud..

A reason to pass through the years...

I don't want a temporary reason,flew with the winds before a winter season

will you give me that reason?

or a reason to cry,

to feel lost in the mid of the way,

to torture others and say it's okay,

to lie and hide..

Why will I want that reason?or any other kind of reason?do I need it?

I don't think,I need it anymore,I have mine,I've found it close to me,

waiting for me to say yes,with pleading eyes it kept asking for permission..

I'll let it in,I'll make it mine,cause it's my motive from now on

don't say "you don't need it" because even a killer needs a motive to kill,why he gets what he wants?? and I can't get mine!

you are giving him a reason to kill and die,I want a reason to live and know from now on I shall never ask for a reason one more,I'll make my own ...

The thing is:

You should stop looking for reasons to do everything,if you wanna help someone then do it,

if you wanna be happy then be,

if you wanna cry then cry you don't need to act that you are fine for no reason. 

Don't wait for others,cause they are waiting you as well

so start to make your own reasons .

that's the thing :)

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