Mean mind

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I thought I'd forgotten you,I let you go years ago

But here you are,in my dreams every night

Don't you get tired? Crashing my sweet little dreams with your voice

Making me forget about what's around with your smile

All of you is wrong from top to toe

Will that night come? A night when I'll see you as my foe

Why can't I hate you? Everyone does.

Mean mind that I have,never stopped thinking about you nor listend to what I have

You look the rainbow over the sun

You have beautiful colors

But they don't see it? Are they afraid to look at the sun while it's burning?

Sometimes I wonder..maybe I became blind after all these years

Maybe that's why I can't see your flaws or your dark side

One dream we were out,looking at the stars

They all were around me..A fallen star we saw.How did you come next to me?

Did you come with it? They said make a wish...I did and I could hear their wishes...It was one wish

One and only

Our voices mixed together wishing to be reunited with eachother

You turn my nightmares to sweet dreams

You make me happy even if you will only be next to me in my dreams.

True we aren't meant to be together with some people in our life,but that doesn't stop it from happening in our dreams.Cherish your dreams with them.

That's the thing. :)

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