Chapter 7: Fever

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Hello readers! I am having an awesome summer break. How about you guys? I am a total simp for pretty much every character in Haikyuu. Like Kuroo Tesurou is hot. Let me stop rambling about how I simp for the characters cause it will take a whole damn day.  

Kuroo POV

Tanaka stopped lashing around but he is still crying and kept talking but this time it was something different. It was still sad though. 

"I miss you guys."-Tanaka 

It was the same sentence on repeat. I wonder who he missed. Tanaka was in our chaotic group so I knew him quite well but seeing him like this is the first. 

When Tanaka calmed down, Oikawa went to him and put his head on his lap. Oikawa was patting his head while saying sweet nothings to him. This seems to work because Tanaka's cries changed into whimpers. Oikawa looked like a loving mother. I started to smile at the scene in front of me. I took my phone and took a picture. 

Kenma came back with a thermometer. Iwaizumi, Noya, Asashi, and Sugawara came back with the water and a stack of towels. Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and the Coach are still not here so we have to wait for them to come back. 

For now, I took the thermometer and checked his temperature. His temperature is 39°C (or 102.2°F). He has a fever. I grabbed a towel and put it in the ice-cold water. I squeezed it and put it on his forehead. I asked Bokuto and Akashi to help me with washing away his sweat with the towel. I asked Kiyoko and Yachi to get some pillows to put under his legs.  

I took the towel that was on his forehead and damped it more with water. I put it back on his forehead. I did it repeatedly. While I was doing this I saw that he has some dark circles under his eyes. 

Is Tanaka not getting enough sleep? It was quite odd that Tanaka got his own room. Now that I think about it. Why not just sleep with the rest of Karasuno. I remembered something on the first day. Tanaka said that he got a nightmare which is why he was drenched in sweat. Does Tanaka have constant nightmares? Kuroo Tetsuro stop overthinking things. 

Noya POV 

I am still shocked about everything. The first is about the songs and the second about his crying and talking. Why did he tell me this? I am his best friend. Did he not trust me? I want to be there for him. Oikawa-san and Kuroo-san are doing their best of taking care of the situation. They kinda look like caring parents. (I am a multi-shipper so I actually ship this but for this story, I am not shipping anyone.) 

I started to look around to find his bag in the far corner. I wanted to see what was in that bag but I know that is an invasion of privacy so I am not going to look but I am still curious.

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were finally here. They gave Kuroo the things he has asked which were a first-aid kit and medicine. Kuroo took those things and thanked them. He is a natural leader. No wonder he is the captain of his team. 

Kuroo started to look around Tanaka's body to see if there were any scratch marks, bruises, or scars. He looked up and scanned the room. I think he saw my expression because he gave a small smile and a thumbs up. This helped me with my anxiousness about the whole situation. Without noticing I was holding my breath, I made a big sigh.

Kuroo POV 

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima came into the room with the supplies I told them to get. I took the things out of their hands and thanked them. I went to work by first checking if Tanaka hurt himself while all the moving. I checked everywhere but there was nothing there so that was nice. 

I looked up and scanned the room. I was Noya looking at Tanaka with a very anxious expression. If it was my best friend like this I would feel the same way. I wanted to know that everything will be alright so I gave him a warm smile and giving him a thumbs up. He then noticed, starting to relax, and lastly gave out a big sigh of relief. I am glad that it worked. 

I looked at the medicine to see if there is anything that would help with the fever and put Tanaka in a drowsy state. It looks like he hasn't had the best sleep so I wanted to give him something to help with it. 

I checked all the labels on each container. I know that it is only a fever but I want him to get a good amount of rest without the lashing, crying, and talking. I want him to properly have a peaceful rest. I found the perfect medicine. It was Advil PM. It said on the package that it was a pain reliever and nighttime sleeping aid. 

"Oikawa may you give this capsule to Tanaka?"

"Yeah sure. May someone give a cup of water?" -Oikawa

"I will bring a cup of water. Let me go get it." -Daichi(Dadchi)

"Thank you, Daichi. I appreciate it."-Oikawa said with a soothing voice

Daichi just nodded his head and left the room. He came back a few minutes later with a cup of water. 

"Thank you Daichi."-Oikawa said while giving a small smile

"Your Welcome, Oikawa"-Daichi(Deadchi)

Oikawa took the cup of water and put it beside him. He carefully lifted Tanaka's head. I put the capsule in his mouth. Oikawa then took the cup and Tanaka unconsciously drank the water and the capsule. 

The couch and the nurse, at last, came into Tanaka's room. I told her all of the details of the events that happened while they were taking a long ass time. What were they even doing anyway? Right now that doesn't matter because Tanaka is the number one priority at the moment. She was impressed with my decision-making. 

She took one final look at Tanaka. Then she asked Coach Ukai something but her question was unexpected. 

"Mr. Ukai does Tanaka have any sleeping problems maybe insomnia?"-Nurse 

"Why are you asking me this? I don't know if this will help but Tanaka wanted his own room because he said he has been having nightmares recently and he doesn't want to disturb the rest of the team."

"He may have insomnia. I think it is one of the reasons for his fever. Not getting the sleep he needs will put a strain on his body."

I was shocked. I wasn't overthinking it. I looked at Oikawa and he was slightly crying. I went over to him to comfort him. I examined the room. The expression was either shock, sadness, or both combined. 

Noya was having a hard time processing all of this. Noya, the energetic goofball was full-on crying. Asahi and Hinata are trying to comfort him. I felt bad for Noya. 

"Noya, Oikawa, and I are going to take care of Tanaka. The rest of you may go back to your rooms. Is that alright coach?"

"Yes, I agree with your decision Kuroo. Thank you for taking care of him even if you are not on the same team. I thank all of you for your time and cooperation. The three of you may bring whatever you want to Tanaka's room while taking care of him also don't forget to rest yourself. Let's go the rest of you. It is already late so go to sleep."-Coach

The rest went back to their team rooms. I bet they told them the news on Tanaka before they all go to bed. Noya went to go get the spare mattresses that were in the storage room. I got up to get all of the supplies needed. Before I was about to leave the room, Oikawa said something.

"Kuroo you did amazing out there. You are a true leader. May you also bring some food for us and also for Tanaka. It doesn't need to be a whole lot."-Oikawa

"Thank you for the compliment Oikawa. I will bring some fruits for Tanaka and snacks for the rest of us."

First I went to get the supplies then the food. While I was walking back from the second trip, I let out a big sigh. The whole thing was mentally draining but I am proud I took hold of the situation. 

Noya was done placing the mattresses near Tanaka. He talked to Oikawa. Oikawa was silently listening to Tanaka's worries. The two of them suddenly looked in my direction. Noya came up to me and gave me a tight hug. Noya was repeatedly saying "Thank you" to me. 

All three of us were talking about Tanaka and many other topics. We ate the snacks I have brought with us.

The three of us were getting tired so we fell asleep right next to Tanaka.

I was happy I got closer to the two of them. I still have questions for Tanaka but I will ask them when he is recovered.  

Thank you for reading. The author is signing out. 

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