Chapter 5

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She was clenching his hand hard by now and tears started to fall from her eyes. He started to regret saying it, when she retreated her hands. Then she took a deep breath, wiped the tears from her eyes, trying out her voice.

"Sorry, here come the waterworks", she lightly laughed, trying to regain her composure.

He grabbed his glass of a counter trying to think of something to lighten the mood and preparing himself for the rejection that was coming his way. He stopped in his movement when he heard her whisper, almost noiseless.

"It's a date"

He put the glass he just grabbed back to look at her, not sure if his hearing had betrayed him.

At the same time she shifted close to him in one swift movement, taking his face in both her hands and landing her lips on his.

It took him a second to recover from that before he was able to reciporcate her kiss.

It didn't take long for him to get lost in the kiss, which seemed to go on forever and quickly turned into a full-on make out session.

After a few minutes, both of them needed to catch their breath, which gave him the chance to smirk at her.

"Well, Miss Aniston, I never would have expected you to be the type to make out with a guy like that on a first date".

She laughed at his remark, stroking his face before inching closer, landing on his lap straddling him.

"Well NORMALLY a guy does not tell me on a first date that he has been in love with me for almost 3 decades, so I guess I can stretch my dating rules a little tonight", before leaning in for another passionate kiss.

After a few more minutes of passionate kisses and her moving in his lap she stopped, and this time she was smirking at him, letting herself sink down on him with all of her weight, obviously feeling his natural reaction  to their previous "activities"

"Now Mister, this is not very appropriate for a first date either".

He playfully laughed at this remark, shyly looking at her.

"You could take that as a compliment", he said, stroking her sides.

She looked him dead in the eye, reaching for the hem of her top, pulling it over her head, revealing a black lacy bra, replying "I wasn't complaining about that".

After taking in the view infront of him for a second, he pulled her in for another kiss while she started unbotting the shirt he was wearing.

When she was finished, he was fiddling his arms out of the sleeves, while trying to get up to get rid of the annoying piece of clothing without moving her out of his lap. This did not really work out because of the deep, soft cushions of the couch, earning a frustrated huff from her before she started to laugh.

"Wow, I am really getting too old for this kind of thing. Do you want to move this to a more comfortable place?"

She now looked at him seriously and hopefully. Making it clear to him that she was suggesting her bed.

He looked back at her "Are you sure about this?"

"Well I would not have suggested this if I wasn't. But maybe you want to wait another 27 years for this, although I cannot promise you that it will as much fun then, let it we are able to "perform", she said with a wink pulling him up from the couch.

He laughed, following her lead.

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