Chapter 14

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Finally the day had come. Sunday morning. David was lying in bed, his naked lover cuddled into his side, when his alarm went off. He quickly ended it with his free hand, trying to cause minimal movement.

Fortunately, Jen had not woken up from that sound.

He had to leave her house around noon to catch his flight, and since he was leaving most of his stuff here anyway only taking his backpack with him, he did not really have to be packing. They had decided they would say goodbye to each other at her house, as she feared it would be hard enough to let him go, and LAX was probably not the best for a teary goodbye for them given the circumstances.

New York was something different, for some reason it would be much easier to stay incognito there, especially with everyone wearing masks. East Coasters somehow seemed to be more centered around themselves when travelling, while LA seemed to have ears and eyes everywhere.

As he had to get rid of the car anyway, this was just for the best.

He lay close to Jen, looking at her, afraid to touch her not to wake her up before they absolutely had to get up.

He thought about the last 10 days they had spend together, and he felt that these were the best 10 days of his life. He could not wrap his head around the fact, even knowing how he had felt about her ever since he first met her, that they were capable to just love each other so deeply and unconditionally after just these few days. And he still could not believe he was this lucky to have this unbelieable goddess, badass business woman and all, giving herself to him like that.

When he first met her, she was this sweet and innocent girl, not aware of all the amazing qualities she had that would guarantee her a great carreer. Of course, she had to get a lot rougher on the exterior to have come this far and with all the heartbreak she had experienced over the years. Yet she somehow still remained an absolute sweetheart able to show it when she felt it was right. But totally able to kick peoples asses if she had to.

Even if he had always known what kind of person she was, the amount of tenderness and vulnerability she allowed herself around him now amazed him. It felt like 1994 all over again.

She would be packed for the following weeks, so he made room in his schedule to come back here for a couple of days in 3 weeks time before she came to NYC on July 24th to stay until August 1st.

There would have been no way for him to be away from her for that long. They were already working on their schedules for the rest of the year to match up, but those first few weeks would be tough.

He also knew that in a certain way, his life would be complicated by this relationship. The quiet and private routine would probably not match up with such a high profile relationship. God, he how hated that term.

He was no fool, he was 100% aware of the fact that she was by far the bigger star out of the two of them. Which was fine by him because he deliberately chose to turn away from the spotlight after the show had ended. But he knew that this was probably about to change seeing the aftermath of their sweet revelation.

Even with her not being one to flaunt around her men on every occasion, he knew that he would probably have to be by her side going to events if it was possible for him once they came out with this. So that meant: put on a tux, smile in the spotlight and probably a lot of holding her clutch so she had her hands free when she was being interviewed and him standing by.

Something he had been quite thankful for to not having to do so often. But he was more than willing to do all of that for her when the time came.

Because if he knew one thing by now: she was the love of his life. Simple as that.

He gently pushed a strand of hair out of her face and decided that they still had enough time to fill up their batteries with some loving bringing them through the next few weeks, before they absolutely had to get up...


Jen felt she was all over the place by now.

David gently woke her up this morning with soft kisses and gentle touches, which quickly turned into yet another passionate round of sex.

First, she could not believe that she was capable of "doing it" as often as they had during the last 10 days. She did loose count rather quickly, but she knew that she definitely had not experienced anything like that since her 20s.

Then she was also amazed by a) how fast those days had passed and b) the level of intimacy between them that made her feel those 10 days had been years.

It broke her heart to be letting him go today, even knowing that they would be in touch permanently and that he would be back in a few short weeks, in which she would be packed anyway. But it seemed like an eternity to her.

They were headed outside now , he had put his backpack in the passenger seat and they were looking each other in the eyes standing by the open door on the drivers side.

Until now, she was going strong, not crying, instead keeping a smile on her face.

But when he lifted his hand and cupped her cheek, she felt that tears started to form.

"I will call you first thing when I get home he said".

"Well you BETTER" she tried to pull a Rachel on him, but even she herself thought that this was kind of lame.

"I have been the happiest I have ever been in the last couple of days, and I will be back soon" he soothed her.

"Well I will be so busy I won't even notice you are gone" she said at the verge of crying.

With that he pulled her in his arms "Alright, I don't want to make this harder than it has to be, this is not a goodbye, it is a "see you later". I love you." He said.

"I love you too, so much!" She said.

With one last kiss, he jumped in the car and backed away from the house to turn the car, sadly waving her again before he lost sight of her.

She threw him a kiss, then waited outside until the gate closed behind the car.

Then she grabbed her phone and opened her group chat with Court and Lisa.

"HI *cryingemoji*"

Courteney: "David left?"

"Yup. So sad. :-(("

Courteney: "So girls night it is. Lisa, can you pick me up at 7?"

Lisa: "Deal. I will bring wine and snacks"

Jen smiled, already feeling better at the prospect of having her girls around.

Then she went inside, went into her bedroom and over to the closet, to be exact the nightwear drawer.

She pulled off the top she was wearing with her shorts, took the T-Shirt she had kept there since their first morning together out, smelled it and put it on.

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