Chapter 19

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David hurried over to Zoe's, trying to come up with something to say. He really did not want to rush into this like he had to now. And he, again, was just disgusted by how this industry worked. Those sites did not even take a second to consider what they were possibly doing by outing them like that. And the person who took the pics?

From the quality he agreed with Zoe that this was not a pap, but an excited fan that had taken the pics and then decided that he or she could make some money off it.

When he arrived, Zoes fury had already turned into concern about their daughter.

"Zoe, we both are deeply sorry that this happened. We could not have Cleo sit in my apartment for the whole day, that would not have worked. So we had to go someplace... that was mostly bad luck, but we really should have been more careful, I know."

Zoe shrugged "I never would have thought that in my life I would one day be so agitated because someone took off their sunglasses in the wrong moment and a ponytail falling out of a cap. And maybe posting that pic of Cleos new hair wasn't the best idea either as this is quite unique on a 10 year old girl...but PLEASE... talk to her.

She just got up and was searching for her phone to text a friend, and I just told her to get dressed first and that you were coming over."

He just sat down at the kitchen table when Cleo walked in and was irritated to find both of her parents sitting there.

"Hey dad, what's up?"

He took a deep breath "Honey, first I wanted to ask: did you enjoy yourself yesterday?"

"Yes, it was really fun. I like to hang out with Jen. She is really cool and funny."

"I am so glad to hear that. She said the same thing to me, after we dropped you off."

Cleo looked at him, clearly unsure where this was going.

"You know, life sometimes takes you on funny paths. When your mom and I met, we totally thought that we would be together until the day we died and then you came into our lives and we thought that life could not be any more perfect. Still, a few years down the road we realized that we are much better as friends than we are as a couple. And that was also OK, because we still remained a family even if we did not live under the same roof anymore. The three of us are still a great team and we always, ALWAYS will be."

Cleo had a confused look on her face and did not say anything, waiting for him to continue. But she nodded her head in agreement.

"But people are not made to be alone for the rest of their lives after they get a divorce. Sooner or later you find somebody you like and that is just how things go. But family always remains family. Remember when your mom met Sam and decided that she liked him? I was ok with that because this is just how things go. But nothing really changed after that..."

Cleo nodded her head, clearly thinking, then she opened her mouth.

"Dad, I saw the Reunion special together with mom. Are you trying to tell me that you still like Jen and that she still likes you back?"

He was dumbfounded. He had always known she was smart, but figuring that out from what he was saying really was not too bad for a 10 year old.

"Yes Sweetie, I really like her. And she likes me, too."

"But she lives on the other side of the country. Mom asked me the other day if I was ok with Sam living here permanently, and of course I was. But Jen lives on the other side of the country..."

He took her in his arms.

"OH CLEO, you do not have to worry about that! We already discussed this and we both agreed that I will stay right here with you where I belong for as long as you need me. I will not go anywhere. I have to go LA for my job so often anyway, and when I go I will just stay a few days longer from now on. And when she does not have to work, Jen will come here. And even if something urgent comes up and I happen to be in LA I will hop on the next plane and will always be here for you.

Jen knows that and would not want to have it any other way. She really loves you too, already."

When he looked at his daughters face, he could see she had shed a few tears.

"This is nothing to be sad about. You just got one more person that cares about you. I will always be your Dad and I will always love you."

"I love you, too! But why did you come here so early to tell me all of this?"

Again, smarty pants, he thought.

"You know, after we were done filming Friends I kind of took a step back from what I was doing because the way people were crazy about us was just more than I could handle. That was the best I could have done because it gave me the two of you" he explained, pointing his finger at her and Zoe.

"But Jen did not do that. She stayed in LA and made all those great movies and became a huge star. Everybody knows her. And after the Reunion, everybody went crazy wanting to know if we still liked each other.

Then when the three of us went out yesterday, someone recognized Jen and took pictures of us and gave them away. And this morning they are all over the internet.

I am sorry Sweetie, this is not how I wanted you to find out."

"It's okay Dad, there have been pics of us before. I think I can handle that. And of course I want you to be happy."

With that she hugged him again, this time already smiling again.

"Allright, how about the three of us have breakfast together..."

He looked at Zoe who nodded her head in relief.

"... and then we hang out for a little while before I go back to Jen. She is really sorry for all of this and I don't want her to get worried."

Cleo, still in his arms, looked at him smiling giving him a peck on the cheek.

AN: So there will be one more Chapter + Epilogue! Look out for my new one "The last cut hurts the deepest" on the weekend!

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