Chapter 13

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AN: so here we go with the whole gang! Added a 3rd POV for this one to explore a little of how their friends see them. Have fun!

Thursday night, David was in the kitchen while Jen was outside decorating the table and getting drinks ready as their friends were scheduled to arrive soon. They had everything set up on the porch outside and the huge charcoal grill was already heating up.

He reminiscened the last couple of days that were mainly filled with hanging out, late night incognito hoodie walks through the neighboorhood with the dogs, inspring talks and lots and lots of sex (who was he kidding?).

They had spend Sunday in her garden hanging out by the pool, goofing around in the water and enjoying the sun. Naked like god made them. As he had originally planned to only be in town for 3 nights, and he intended to work and meet some people, he did not think of bringing sports or swimming clothes. And he also was not eager to head out and buy stuff when he could rather spend time with her. Just because she could, she left her bikini in the closet as well. Where, if not in the privacy of your own garden?

On Monday, Jens housekeeper was scheduled to clean up the house, who was delighted to see him there, assuring both of them that their secret was of course safe with her. Even though he could tell that she really had to bite her tounge as she was so excited. Because he never felt comfortable with watching other people cleaning up after him, he decided to head out shortly after Jen left for the things she had scheduled that day (her gem of an assistant was able to rearrange stuff so that she would be away around noon and return in the late afternoon Mon-Wed, then have the rest of the week off) to do some shopping.

After stocking up that closet with some basic stuff like underwear, t-shirts, jeans and loungewear as well as some sports clothes and ,finally, some swimming shorts, he went back to the house to prepare dinner for them, so that they had something to eat after he "greeted her home" (as far as he knew, 4-5 hours are a long time).

On Tuesday, he kept himself busy with some light handiwork like cleaning the pool, putting up the suncreen on the porch etc. and played with the dogs in the garden. He would have loved to take them for a walk, but thought it probably would not be the smartest idea to walk around her neighboorhood with this very notable set of dogs when they wanted to fly under the radar. The evening was again filled with food, love, deep talks and lots of laughter.

By Wednesday, he really felt sorry for the dogs and decided to load all 3 of them in the car and drive out to a little forrest he knew out of town to take a long walk, figuring there would not be much traffic there on a work day, and this very unique collection of furry buddies would probably not be as noticable when taken out of context. The evening programme followed the protocol of the previous days, which was totally fine by him.

When he was with her, he really had all he needed. He had always thought that they would be great together, but the sheer amount of understanding, friendship and sexual energy amazed him more with each day that passed.

They had spend the day arranging the furniture on the porch for their little get together, putting up the grill and preparing the food. They really looked forward to spending time with the four others. As much as they enjoyed each others company, those group gatherings were always special.

He put the salad he had been making and the freshly cut bread on the table, before walking past her (not without pulling her in for a hug, roaming her body in that dress that he felt he knew back from Courteneys rack back at the Friends set, and kissing her neck) over to the grill to see how the coal was doing. He heard the bell on the door ring and went on to take care of the fire while Jen answered the door. From the sounds of it, Courteney seemed to be the first to arrive.

Now or NeverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora