Chapter 17

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AN: Are you guys ready to meet the little one? BTW, please note that my short Story, Midnight confessions, is now complete. Checkt that one out if you like this story! TIA and have fun!

Short note: this is a fictional story, I am not familiar with what Zoe is up to. I am writing what suited this story

"You ready for this?" David asked an obviously nervous Jen when they were headed out on Monday night.

"As ready as I will be" she smiled at him nervously.

"Trust me, you will be fine" he calmed her down, full of anticipation of her finally meeting his girl.

They really had a fantastic weekend together, simply enjoying each others company, even going out for a walk through the neighborhood and headed out for some shopping. Nobody seemed to care about them, as they were barely noticable with their attire of baseball cap (Jen carefully tucking her hair under it), sunglasses and face mask. And since that seemed to be a trend around NYC this summertime, they looked just like everyone else.

As they had not seen paps all day or anyone else really caring about them, he even managed to take her out on their first real date to the italian place that belonged to a close friend of his, where he booked a seperate room and arranged for them to sneak in and out through the back entrance, which actually had been kind of fun.

This was just getting better and better each day, and he could not wait to finally bring everyone together.

Another quick kiss, and they were out the door.

Arriving at Zoes place, Jen shyly remained in the background when Zoe opened the door, greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. He took a step to the side wanting to introduce the two woman, but Zoe just motioned them to come in quickly.

"Alright, maybe it is better if we save that for inside" Zoe shushed.

They hopped in and when Zoe turned around after taking a quick glance to see if anyone had seen them and closing the door, he stepped between the two ladies and started.

"Ok, here it goes. Jen, meet Zoe, my ex and Cleos mom. Zo, this is Jen, well yeah, you know..."

Zoe stepped up to Jen, saying "Hi nice to meet you" in her still present british accent, when Jen smiled and gladly took the hand extended to her answering "Well, I can just give that back. Thanks for having us!"

He could sense she started to calm down.

Zoe motioned them to come in, shouting towards their daughters room.

"Hey Cleo, come over. Your Dad is here."

He could feel Jen tensing up next to him, and he tried to calm her down by stroking her back.

Still, she once again took a step back behind him when the door opened, letting him greet the girl first.

As always she came running at him, jumping into his arms.


"Hey my Angel! How are you doing?" He beamed at the girl who was already looking over his shoulder curiously.

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