Chapter 12

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A/N: another short one. Tomorrow or maybe later today a long chapter is coming that features the whole gang

They were lying in bed together, exchaning soft kisses, just taking the other in. Their naked bodies still sticky under the sheets.

The addicting feeling they experienced the night before for multiple times still was there, if not getting stronger, now that they started to get a better idea of how to please the other, she thought. She didn't think she could ever get enough of him.

She was interrupted in her thoughts, when Davids stomach send very audible signals for some nutrition.

"OH SHOOT! The oven!" she squealed, quickly grabbing her panties and Davids shirt to run down the stairs.

She opened the oven, and much to her delight, the lasagna was a bit crispier on top than what she had planned for, but was still edible.

David walked up behind her shirtless in his sweatpants since she again grabbed his shirt, and handed her her wine glass.

She laughed "maybe a little bit crunchy, but we do not need to starve tonight".

He laughed before kissing her and sitting down at the table. She put the casserole on the table and filled each of their plates.

"So, how was your day?"

"The meeting went great. The director has a great vision of what he wants, and this could turn into something good. They are still looking for a female lead and are currently talking to a few people, but nothing is fixed yet."

"Sounds good. And what you told me about the script sounded like something that would really suit you."

"Totally. Talked to Zoe. I did not plan on telling her about us, but she has her has of squeezing Information out of me."

"How did she react?"

"She was kind of shocked I guess, but I am sure she will be cool. Told me to say hi to you and that she looks forward to meeting you. But she brought something up that had me thinking we should see when you come over..."

"Okay..." She said, putting down her fork to give him her undivided attention. This seemed to be important to him.

"She said with the strong reaction people have shown to our revelations, paps are probably going to be everywhere. She is worried that, in case anything leaks, Cleo will find out what is going on via the press, and what that might do with her... so I was thinking maybe we should get the 2 of you to meet sooner rather than later. We can still decide when we are putting things out there, but in this case we are in a better position in case someone snaps a random pic or whatever..."

"Yeah, I guess that really is possible. Unfortunately, I will start shooting the indoor stuff for the movie that was postponed on the 10th, and then I will have to be here for about 6 weeks. In addition, I have some promo stuff, some Interviews etc for Season 2 of TMS. So the earliest I could make it is in the second half of July..."

She really felt sorry about that. And she also felt sorry that it would be 3 weeks that they would have to spend apart before David would be back in LA for a couple of days for some test shots for the a Netflix film he was in the talks about as well.

"Ok, maybe the last week of July? I have nothing scheduled then and we really could make the most of the time?" He asked, checking his calendar on his phone.

She she also looked through her schedule and nodded in agreement.

"That would be fine by me"

"OK, I will send Zoe a text and check when she is free that week"

They continued their meal making jokes that their sex had been hot enough to almost burn the lasagna.

When they were finished with their meal, Davids phone buzzed signaling an incoming message.

"She just reminded me that Cleos summer holidays from school start that week. Which is great because the two of you can really get to know each other then. She invited us to her place for dinner on Wednesday, you can meet both of my ladies, and then we can let Cleo decide if she wants to spend time with us on Thursday, which gives us a few more days depending on how things go before you fly back to LA on Sunday" he suggested.

"Wow, that is really nice of her. Please tell her thank you and that I can't wait to meet the two of them"

She was already getting up to put the dishes into the washer when he nodded her to sit down.

"OH no no no, you sit here and enjoy your wine, I will take care of this. You already did the cooking, I will clean off the table."

She wanted to say something to that, but he stood his ground.

"You said you did not want me to feel like I was your guest. I'm just doing what I do at home."

She made herself more comfortable by pulling up her legs and watched him rummaging through the kitchen, putting everything away and cleaning crumbs of bread off the table.

This man really WAS perfect, she could not believe how lucky she was and how great it would be one day when they lived together permanently.

When he was finished, he came over to her, kissed her and asked her "what about dessert?".

She looked at him saying, "Sorry I did not make any".

He smirked and raised his eyebrow "oh that was not what I had in mind".

With that, he picked her up and carried her up the stairs bridal style, both of them laughing.

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