Chapter 10

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Jen decided to talk to her assistant first to see which meetings she had from Monday to Wednesday could be postponed to the following weeks. She normally wasn't one to bother the people working for her on weekends, but this seemed a valid exception to her.

She also let her assistant in on her little secret as she KNEW with the Reunion out now everyone was going to ask. She wasn't fond of directly lying to people, but they had agreed not to put themselves out there before they felt ready to.

So they had to come up with a strategy for that. Which was for now to point out that there never was anything going on back in the day (true) and that they were dear friends (true) and were going to remain fond of each other for the rest of their lives (also true, although nobody was to know HOW fond exactly right now).

After that, she ordered some groceries and stuff they would need for the next days to be delivered to her house as she knew just going out to the store together to go shopping was a) not a smart idea when they wanted to fly under the radar and b) not one of the things she planned to spend her time doing when she only had him with her for a week.

After that, she decided that she was going to talk to Courteney now and clicked on her contact in her Facetime.

Courteney picked up immediately and beamed at her best friend. Jen, still not caring to make herself presentable or even willing to wash his lingering scent off her skin or take off his t-shirt, placed her phone on the table in front of her, pulled up her knees and smiled.

"Hey you"

"Hey Sweetie" Courteney winked at her friend "still in is t-shirt, I see".

"Yeah" she sighed "it was bad enough to have him leave for now, and I am afraid that I come to realize this all was just my imagination playing a trick on me, and I dont really have to go anywhere today, so I might as well enjoy this feeling"

"Must be a crazy. Was there a point where you thought 'well this is awkward'"?

"To be honest, not for one second. We just had a very nice time together, and at some point we were talking about that crew party where David got drunk and thought I was his wife, which was essentially the birth of that crazy Vegas wedding thing. I always suspected that there was more to that thing, and turns out it really was.

After that, we kind of came clear about a lot of things, like him really being kind of jealous of Brad and the reason why, even if we remained friends, we did not remain as close as before after the show ended. And then there he suddenly was, saying in his perfect words, that he was feeling everything that I had been feeling for the last weeks, and next thing I know I am all over him" she laughed.

"So you just jumped at each other and that was it? Wow!"

"Not really. We were still very conscious in what we were doing. But somehow it all just felt right, we even made fun of each other here and there and just laughed. But not even for the split of a second I thought "OMG, what am I doing here?". It was as if things just fell into place.

And about the sex? I am not going to go into "technical" details there but it was amazing. It was a mixture of the feeling of "coming home" to someone you trust completely with those fireworks you get when you "do it" with someone you have long been attracted to for the first time."

"Wow. I could not be happier for you. Good that you finally came clean about everything and it ended up going into the right direction."

"Yeah" she smiled with tears in her eyes.

"So after that week of LOOOVE you just arranged for yourself, what are you planning to do then?"

"Well, we agreed to try this long distance this you are doing so successfully for a while and see how that goes. I am a Cali girl through and through and I have some projects in the next years that keep me here over longer periods anyway. And I am not the type of person that would seperate a little girl and her Daddy, so David will have his base in NYC. But he has some things coming up that would bring him here quite often anyway, and we will just make room to extend those visits for as long as possible.

And of course I will travel there in case I have to anyway or in case I will be off and he has to be at the East Coast. I think we will be fine like that for a couple of years until Cleo is more independent and will probably go tired of having her dad around all the time. I guess we girls have all been there" she laughed.

"I don't know if you have checked Social Media ever since the premiere, but people are going NUTS about the two of you. Do you have a plan for that?"

"For now the plan is to stay here in our little bubble until David returns to New York. And I am sure we will have enough fun here anyway" she smiled "and when he is back in NYC there will not be a problem.

Apart from close friends and family we do not intend to let the cat out of the bag anytime soon. We want our privacy as much as possible, and will not come out with this before we have to. And most definitely not before Cleo is cool with all of this. She is 10, and I believe that is a difficult phase. She is partly aware of the history her dad and I have and the last thing we want is to either have her think I was responsible for her parents breaking up or feel like I am taking her father away from her."

"Yeah, difficult subject!"

"Anyway, I am sure we will figure everything out. And now I think the time has come for me to clean up the chaos that is my bedroom and to tidy myself up so that I look all sexy when the man returns to the cave"

They both had to laugh hard at that.

"Take care Jen, and tell Schwimmy I said HI. Can't wait to take you both into my arms on Thursday!"

"Me too, C!"

"Oh, I am sure you have other things to do until then, my dear! Bye"


They hung up blowing each other a kiss.

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