Chapter 11

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AN: I can't explain why, but somehow I really got all the feels when writing this Chapter... Enjoy and let me know what you think! It would really mean a lot to me!

Jen picked up her discarded top in the living room and went upstairs, only to find that the bed had already been made and her jeans and bra were neatly folded at the foot end.

She smiled at this small gesture, put the clothes away and picked out some fresh undergarments, a top and a pair of shorts from her walk-in closet, as she decided it was time to finally wash the last night off.

She had nearly convinced herself by now that this was not just a dream and that he would soon be returning to her arms.

She stood near the laundry basket in her bedroom and took off her panties and Davids t-shirt.

After discarding the slip into the basket she looked at the shirt in her hands, then burried her face in it. The plain white cotton still smelled like him. She walked over to the bed, carefully folded the shirt and put it into the drawer where she used to keep her night wear.

After she freshened herself up and got dressed, she returned to the bedroom with a towel still in her hair. When she looked at the closet, she felt the urgent need of doing something sweet, but meaningful for him, too.

So she went over to the closet and rearranged things and threw some clothes out, so that he would have a few drawers and some hanging space in there where he could put his stuff.

She knew he probably did not bring much with him as this was supposed to be a short business trip, but he would probably go buy some stuff he needed when she was working on monday. And she also expected him to bring more next time he came.

That led her to the next point. When she was not here, she did not want him to be dependent on her. That is why she went to her office, took a spare house key out of a drawer and scribbeld her house alarm code on a post-it. After that she called the security firm she was working with to let them know that he from now on had full access to everything.

When she put down the phone, the doorbell rang and she had the delivery guy from her favorite organic supermarket put everything on the kitchen counter. After giving him a generous tip she put everything away and decided that she would make lasagna for dinner, to keep herself occupied and because that was easy to keep warm as she didn't know when David would return.

She set up the table, and did only realize it was already 8 pm when she heard the bell ring, signaling that somebody was at her front gate. She pushed the button on her security system to answer.

"Hey it's me." She heard David say through the speaker.

She pushed the button to open the gate so he could drive onto her property. Then she went to the front door to let him in.

They looked at each other longingly while he came up to the door, suitcase in one, his signature backpack in the other hand.

She smiled at him.

David walked inside the house and set his suitcase and backpack on the floor to take her in his arms and kiss her when she had closed the door.

"God, it feels so good to finally be able to do this" He thought to himself.

She beamed at him.

"God, I missed you. Oh wait a second, before I forget about it. I have something for you" she said and turned around, grabbing stuff off the counter behind her.

She handed him a key and a piece of paper, explaining "This is your house key and the alarm codes for the gate and the central house alarm. I already informed my security firm that you will be living here part-time from now on and that you are of course free to do whatever you want. I know that we did not want people to know yet, but that was kind of neccessary, I think, plus those people know I will sue their asses off if they break the confidentiality agreement."

This small gesture really moved him. Then he noticed the delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

"Wow, that smells sooo good" he said, noticing he didn't have time to eat anything since their late breakfast.

She put her hand to her forehead. "I made lasagna for the two of us, but as I did not know when you would be here, I need to put the oven back on to heat it up. Why don't you head upstairs and get out of that suit? As good as you look in it, it does not look very cozy. You can put all of your stuff in the closet. I cleared up some space for you."

He looked at her dumbfounded. He had believed her when she said she loved him back, but the generosity with which she welcomed him to her home, really was more than he had expected.

He obviously was not just a guest here, this was his place now, too. At least if you asked her.

He took his stuff upstairs to the bedroom, and when he walked into the closet, he saw that the area she cleared for him was about 1,5 times the size of his own closet in New York. So he could comfortably fit his whole wardrobe and then some more into it.

He smiled, before he changed into some sweat pants and a t-shirt and the began to put the clothes he had brought for his trip on the hangers and into the drawers.

"Damn, when I want so spend a whole week here I definitely need to go shopping, urgh." he thought.

When he closed the last drawer he could see her in standing in the door, her own and a glass of red wine for him in her hands, smiling happily.

She was wearing a simple slip dress, no make-up and her hair open, still looking slightly flustered from working in the kitchen.

He started to walk up to her, took the glass she was extending to him. He toasted her and took a sip.

"Never in a lifetime will I be able to fill up that closet."

"I didn't know how much stuff you have, and I did not want you to feel like I just shoved some stuff aside so that you could fit a couple of boxers and 3 t-shirts. I love you and I want you to feel at home when you are here" she replied.

He cupped her face with his free hand and leaned in for a sweet kiss whispering "I love you, too".

Then he carefully grabbed her glass from her hand and put both glasses down on the dresser next to the closet door. Then he picked her up and carried her over to the bed.

"I hope you did put the oven on low temperature, because I would hate for the food to burn while I make love to you" he smirked.

She laughed when he playfully threw her on the middle of the soft mattress.

"I thought you were starving" she said while already pulling her dress over her head.

He took off his t-shirt and crawled up to her and kissed her passionately as soon as she was in reach.

"Turns out I'm suddenly not hungry anymore" He said, sinking his lips on her neck right below her ear to kiss her.

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