~Chapter 3~

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(3rd person perspective)

As Y/n entered the forest, for some odd reason, he felt off. As if something was happening further in. He tried to brush it off, but he just couldn't. Suddenly..

(1st person perspective)


"What was that??" I thought. I suddenly forgot what I was doing and ran towards the screams. I ran out of breath shortly after, but it was just in time. I saw the girl, with a man. The man was probably an inch or 2 taller than me. And quite handsome..

"Hang on, is he..wearing a robe? Is that the prince?? What's he doing??" I thought. The girl was pressed up against a tree, and the prince was...sucking her neck? What's he doing that for?

Suddenly, the prince pulled away, I saw blood dripping down from her neck. A vampire?? The girl dropped dead. I covered my mouth to stay quiet, as I hid behind a tree. Why is this happening? As I snap back, I realise, the prince is gone.

"Gone already?.. Where could he hav-"

"Why hello there~" A voice spoke. I turn to look behind me, and there he stood, an inch away.


Prince's medicine (Vampire Prince X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now