~Chapter 37~

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(1st person perspective)

I was awoken by a loud ringing in my ears, as my vision took a good minute to fully solidify again. I was lay on my back, Azeru was sat next to me stroking my hair.

I tried to call to him, but my throat was so dry all I could do was cough, it got his attention though.

"Y/n! Oh my sweet boy..." Azeru leaned down and placed his forehead against mine, as I felt my face become wet.

I focused my vision on Azeru as he pulled his face away, to reveal he was crying.

Oh my god. He's crying?..

"Y/n.....I thought he was going to drink you to death."

Hearing Azeru's cracking voice made my heart sink.

"I bandaged up your neck, I'm so glad I went out to the balcony. I knew Rufus would try something."

I looked up at him and tried to speak again.

"Where is....Everyone?"

"My parents have gone home, and taken my siblings. I'm not sure what they will do to Rufus but I know it will be painful. Also, my sister was so worried about you. Iv never seen her panic like that before..."

I began to tear up as I turned my head away. Azeru scooped me up gently as he cradled me in his arms.

"It's okay darling, you're in my arms. No one can touch you."

He shushed me as I gently sobbed into his shirt. My neck stung as I tried to keep my voice down.

"It will be a long time before I let you go somewhere without me again..." He told me. I honestly couldn't care less in that moment.

I just wanted Azeru. No one else.

I slowly sat up and buried my head in his neck, as I sobbed more. His neck was drenched in snot and tears, but Azeru didn't care.

That's something I loved about him. He didn't think of "disgusting" things like that, as "disgusting". He treated them as normal, which they were.

Meaning I could be as vulnerable as I wanted around him, and he wouldn't care in the slightest.

"Can we just try....and sleep. I want to be held.." I muttered to him. He didn't say anything.

He gently stripped me of my bloody clothes and put me in one of his large shirts and pants, as he took off his shirt.

He gently lay down and pulled me down with him, he's placed extra blankets around me and pulled me into his chest.

He stroked my hair as he kissed my forehead and whispered sweet nothings to me. I felt so warm and..safe. Like a butterfly in its cocoon.

"Everything's okay....You're okay sweetheart." He told me.

It took me slightly longer to fall asleep, as I was still shaken up. But I managed eventually.

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