uncertainty part ••• 3?

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The next day, They met him again in the hallways.

A constant.

It was their day-off or rest, to rejuvenate from the travel sores. Their escapades will resume tomorrow.

After waking up at four o'clock in the afternoon, Hyunjin isn't tired, but his body is screaming at him. He wasted another two hours with the movie that's randomly playing on the television, It was a dedicated lazy day so he wasted the time, if it was him back then, he'd never do it, he'd be firing people for such. Finally, when he has gotten the urge to get up, he took a quick shower when the sun has already sunk on the seas, Hyunjin was hungry, he doesn't want hotel food so threw a hoodie on to grab some food at the convenience store near the hotel.

He grabbed some ice cream, vodka, energy drink, string cheese, green onion, sausage, and a cup of ramen with him. His favorite combinations. Yes, it's a haul.

He planned on eating it in the comfort of his room and another ridiculous movie.

His steps were put in a halt when he sees that familiar small figure, he can tell it's him, wearing a full white tracksuit and a cap, scrolling through his phone, stopping on his tracks as hee sees Hyunjin as well. Hyunjin tilted his bucket hat as a greeting and he smiled shyly, his cheeks tinting pink right away. He walked towards the elevator as he does as well, with both of us meeting in the middle.

It was awfully stimulating for Hyunjin, there is this suspense and tension, Hyunjin kept feeling the pull and he can sense the absence of pushing, not when the guy when bit his lips, one hand on pocket and lowering his gaze as they got closer. Hyunjin treading a moth in flames.

"You or mine's?" Hyunjin steels up, he was never this nervous to ask someone out for a fuck.

The guys frizzy hair bounced as he lets out a wheeze putting his hands on his face and mouth, pretending to be surprised. Hyunjin stood with smile, patiently waiting for the answer, Hyunjin knows that the smaller knows where he's coming from. Hyunjin is not actually a patient person, so Hyunjin pushed the elevator button, going up. The timer start at that pushing for a decision. He stared at me in disbelief as we waited, he just nodded in defeat and He just smiled back at him.

"yours." He puffed his cheeks.

Hyunjin laughed with his whole body and the guy mirrored him as the elevator bells chimed and they both entered, it dinged as it opens, welcoming the two of us. It didn't help all, the elevator tunes heightened and triggering both our senses, it felt dampy and clamped, the fake sense of vertigo turning Hyunjin's empty stomach.

All the butterflies are making him dizzy. The nervousness deepens as Hyunjin can hear the watch ticking, almost gasping as the elevator dinged once again reaching their destined floor, and they walked the ground carefully not letting any signs of the eagerness out, stopping at a particular wooden door in the long hallways spaced by other double doors on the walls.

He just followed quietly behind. Hyunjin took the keycard in his pocket and exhaled as it opened.

Hyunjin lets him in first and locked the door behind. Everything after that went loose, Hyunjin threw his plastic bags full of goodies on the floor as the smaller boy hopped on him, Hyunjin's reflexes caught onto it, He wasn't suprised at all, He pulls him close until the tips of our their nose brushing, Hyunjin expected for their lips to smash, but then- a sort of relief washes over them and all the rush goes down.

Ice as a cream ••🍦 Hyunsung Where stories live. Discover now