uncertainty part. 7?

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Hyunjin's phone rang continuously, the sound fading in and out of his head, waking him up from my peaceful slumber.

There's a lot of missed calls.

It's still ringing and Hyunjin answered right away, catching the tone...

"Jinnie! why are you not picking up!"

"Gosh relax, I was asleep."

"You're getting old, taking afternoon naps eh?"

Hyunjin didn't reply to his teasings. "What did you do, lix?"

"Dad wants you back." His deep voice buzzed in my ear.

Hyunjin clicked his neck. What did he just say?" Hyunjin kinda knew.

"Huh- don't you ever fucking kid me around, lix." He snaps.

"I'm not joking. He's looking for you."

"Did he found us out, that I'm returning-

or you told him?" Hyunjin snarled at him, He knew Felix to the bones, He might seem like an angel unknowing how to think for himself, but he's just as cunning playing both sides and lean on where he'd benefit most.

Hyunjin taught him that.

"No! I'm just saying that he'll start forcing you out if you don't come, he's already targeting your company." It almost sounded like a threat coming from Felix than our father.

"Fucking hell-Of course you told him, like the bargaining chip I always was for his favor. brother." Hyunjin ran his hands through hid hair.

deep breaths. Hyunjin...

"What does he want?"


"...He wants to discuss things with you,  you'll be fetched in the airport on your arrival."

"Great, You even told him the date of my arrival."

Pacing back and forth, hands-on waist, It's just like the same as before, Hyunjin exasperated whenever it's matters with Felix.

"I'm sure you know what he wants, spit it out, lix. I hatr you and him, I don't have patience. or you'll never see me again."

Felix cannot be trusted when backed to a corner, he really is shaken up this time around. Hyunjin can sense how unstable Felix is. He was so desperate when he doesn't have to with Hyunjin.


"No, no, no, I didn't tell- I think he wants you to be here this time.  Please Jinnie, I have not been doing well since the incident with Peter, I've fucked up one or two times in all aspects of my life, and I promise you, I was just not in the right state-

"Shut up, little brother, and tell me what he wants. I said I was coming, didn't I?"

"I always keep my word, unlike you."

"He wants you to help me with the company, be some sort of my advisor, as Hwang Hyunjin. I think it's just an excuse to bring you back."

"And he can't just swallow his pride.- Either way, this is actually ideal for the plan i have in my mind. But doesn't he think his close 'friends' will recognize me?" Hyunjin was vexed on how dad was gonna deal with this. I'm blind on the matter.

"Even so,No one would say a thing."

"Right, right. I don't want to be Sam Lee anyways. I can play the game if I have to."

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