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"You're spacing out."

"Oh-apologies, come again?"

Forks and knives clanking on plates, Their table might be a bit isolated from the others yet the sound of the neighboring diners still reaches our ears. They've been here before, Waiters passing by, these red carpets and Louboutin heels clacking the hollow flooring underneath.

Both of them, The lee brothers fancy the steak served in this restaurant nestled in this soaring skyscraper. It felt so long ago. A distant memory seeing the beauty he has grown into. Felix eyes have grown darker, mature, and sadder. Growing. It's part of growing up. He could only imagine the toll of the separation he has gone through. Hyunjin gone through it at such an early stage with his mother and after that the people passing by is merely nothing for Hyunjin, theu come and go, but what about someone sheltered for his whole life?

Hyunjin is pained and overjoyed at the same time.

"Dad has been having attacks every night, he was expected to have 3 or 4 more years if the treatment continues."

"I think he wants you here, until then." Hyunjin heard my younger brother heave a sigh on the line. He couldn't help but get irritated at how forgiving Felix could be.

"I know I should feel something lix, But I don't." Hyunjin told him. "I know he wanted his other son, and maybe realizes what he has done, but it's too late."


"Let's get this over with." Hyunjin sighs drinking the red wine.

Chateau Laffite.

"The party is next week. Father is putting you by my side."

"I'm not your secretary lix."

"No, you're my advisor." He beamed. Ah. there it is. He can still glow. Just like the old days.

"Fine, I'll pretend to be your secretary for the time being. People would pale yp when they see sam's ghost." I raised my brows in a smile as I bite a piece of the red meat.

He paused and looked at me with a baffled face.

"You're not usually that easy."

"Jin-jin, are you sick? getting round on the edges?" He grabbed my face as Hyunjin munches away, Felix is exaggerating, feeling my temperature, and searched for something in my face.

"You'll see nothing but my handsome face, get your filthy hands off me-

and you're still gullible and too soft for that wretched man." He sat down and Hyunjin pointed the fork in him as he reprimanded him about thejr father once more. He just doesn't get it. That man is evil and rotten to his core yet he chooses to stomach him.

"I pity you and Peter."

"Shut up, what do you know. You know nothing."

"Jon Snow." I winked. He made faces at me, just like when we were kids all annoyed and quietly ate.

"You're never serious, Jinjin-hyung." He sulked on his plate.

"Oh, I am very serious." Hyunjin continued, he backs down now, unlike before. Hyunjin use to, He always believed that they can argue for an hour in one sitting for nothing. Guess, they really grown.

"Serious? Yet you left that guy you liked "seriously" back there, you kept going on, telling me all those nonsense and still you didn't grab him?"

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