Chapter 1 The Beginning

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It was the year of 1612 on Halloween, or better known as All Hallows' Eve, if you were born in the Siren Realm or Hell, aka the Demon Realm. A girl with jet black hair and bright icy blue eyes was born into royalty of the Siren Realm. Her mother, the queen of the Siren Realm, Miranda Heavens, and her husband, the King of the Siren Realm, John Heavens, named the girl Luna Marie Heavens. But alas, the start of the Angel and Demon war was starting. Little Luna grew up quickly as all hybrids are supposed to do. She learned to fight by her father's side in battle. Miranda on the other hand, she was worried that Luna would get injured in battle, but to her surprise, Luna came back with only a few cuts that healed within seconds. "She's quite the fighter," John said proudly. "Yes, most definitely," Miranda said calmly as she went to hug Luna "Mother..." Luna said quietly. Miranda gasps "You said your first word!" She says excitedly. "Oh?" Luna said confused, "I did?" She asked "Yes you did sweetheart," John said with a smile. "Is that bad, Mother," Luna asks. "Oh, no that isn't bad, sweetie," Miranda says happily.
Exactly a year later, Miranda has another girl, she has pink hair and bright green eyes. They named her, Aurora Sunheart Heavens. Luna was instantly protective over Aurora. "Mother," Luna says concerned "I don't want Aurora being hurt or killed in this war" "Oh you're right, sweetie" Miranda says, "We'll have to bring you to the human world though" Miranda says slightly afraid "Mother..." Luna says calmly, "I'd rather have Aurora alive and well in the human world than hurt or killed here" Luna says with a serious look. Miranda sighs and looks at John "Luna has a point," Miranda says "Yes, most definitely..." John says worriedly.
After about two or three hours, Miranda and John found two people, a male Demon and a female ghost Poltergeist. The man is named Chase, and the woman is named Elizabeth. Elizabeth smiled and offered Luna her hand to bring her inside. Luna grabbed her hand while she was carrying Aurora in her other arm. Elizabeth brought Luna and Aurora inside. John and Miranda walked inside as well "Well, what a lovely house, Chase and Elizabeth" Miranda says while looking at the paintings on the walls "Oh, thank you Mrs. Heavens," Elizabeth says happily "You better take care of my daughters or else I'll have your head as a souvenir," John says to Chase seriously toned. Chase remained calm and collected "Yes sir, I'll take care of your daughters as if they were my own" Chase says. "Oh how nice of you to say, Chase," Miranda says as Elizabeth brings Luna and Aurora upstairs to their rooms. Elizabeth brings Luna to the room on the right of the hallway "This is now your room, sweetie," Elizabeth says kindly, "you can decorate it the way you want it" Luna just gave Elizabeth a look that said "Leave me be". "Oh, ok... I leave you two be," Elizabeth says slightly hurt but she walks downstairs to see that Miranda and John have left. "Oh, they left" Elizabeth asked Chase. "Yes, why must you ask such stupid questions," Chase countered rudely. "Well, I wanted them to at least say bye to their daughters," Elizabeth said as she was going into the kitchen. "Don't you turn your back to me!" Chase demanded, "Chase..." Elizabeth paused, "please don't yell, we have children in the house now," Elizabeth says as she starts dinner. Chase demonicly growls then turns away from her "I'll be in my lab if you need me," Chase walks out of the kitchen before Elizabeth could answer. Chase walks to a door by the staircase and open the door, he goes down the stairs and closes the door behind him, "That Luna girl..." He pauses as he turns on the light, revealing a large room with a metal chair in the center of the room, also with a few desks with computers on them. Chase looks around the room as he twirls a scalpel in his hand. "Hm," Chase talks to himself, "maybe I can experiment on that girl, but which one?" He asks himself, "Hmm, maybe the elder one, yes..." He says deviously, "She'll be the perfect experiment" Chase says as he makes a ball out of electricity, "She'll be perfect!" He yells proudly then he chuckles evilly as the ball of electricity dissipates into thin air.

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