Chapter 13 Runaway

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It's been two weeks since the full moon has come, Luna has cut deeper, she wanted to die so bad that she slit her throat, but to no avail. The wound healed within seconds. The reason why is that, if one sister were to die, the other would die also. Luna has had mixed feelings about everything until, she made a friend, one who isn't afraid of her or what she could do. His name is Jackson Barker, aka, Luna's biggest crush. She doesn't mind that he thinks that they're just friends, even though deep deep down, Luna knows that he wants her. Jackson is a first grader, he has dark brown hair, light blue eyes, and a great personality. Luna still believes that he's the one, it might be the lust from her Succubus side, but she ignores the lust, she doesn't want him, yet.
"Snow! Snowhite!" Jackson says, bounding towards Luna. Luna stops dead in her tracks as the other kids stare at him and her in shock when Jackson finally reaches her.
"Yes Jackson?" Luna asks looking up at the taller boy. Jackson wears a big smile, "You'll never guess what happened after school yesterday!" he says excitedly. "Hmm.... Let's see... You swam in the freezing cold water last night in your pool... Correct?" she asks, even though she knew she was right. Jackson's mouth dropped to the floor, "How...? How did you know that?!" he asks in awe. Luna chuckles softly as she puts her now sleeve covered hands in her hoodie's pockets, "I'm just really good at guessing..." she says as she walks in her classroom. Luna stopped and looked at where Aurora would always sit and saw that she wasn't there. Sister, where are you?!? Luna thought in a panic even though outside of her thoughts, she showed no emotion. Oh, wait... We can't read each other's minds yet... Oops... Luna thought then headed to her seat which was in middle of the classroom.
Jackson walks in after Luna and sits next to her, even though he doesn't have this class yet, "Hey there," he says, trying to sound older by deepening his voice. Luna snickers and giggles quietly so no one except Jackson could hear her cute little giggle, "Hello Jackson," she says hiding her smile from the other students with her hood being put on. Jackson laughs, "Aw come on... You have such a cute smile, show the world you smile," he says smiling. Luna blushes a bit, "W-why...?" she asks stammering which was really unnatural for Luna. Jackson laughs once more, "Because, you have a cute smile, I honestly don't see how the other kids are afraid of you," he says petting her head. Luna blushes more, making her cheeks look like cherries, "T...t-t-thank you..." she says before biting her lip and looking down. Jackson chuckles and hugs Luna and the entire class gasps, "Come on now! She isn't bad!" he says almost glaring at the other students. Luna puts a hand on his hard chest then hugs him back. He must be a Werewolf... That's the only reason he feels so... Warm and also so... Muscular... Luna thought to herself as a small smile crept its way onto Luna face. Jackson's cheeks were as red as an apple. The class was surprised that Jackson was blushing as Luna continued to hug him.
Luna pulled away after two minutes from the really warm hug, but Jackson felt that Luna was almost ice cold, he felt worried. Luna clears her throat slightly then looks at Jackson, "You should go, Ms. Blanchard is almost here" she says. Jackson nods and gets out of the seat beside her, "Ok then, see at lunch or at gym, probably both..." he says nervously then he walks out of the classroom and heads to his class.
After two other classes, Luna headed to lunch with Jackson by her side almost like a bodyguard. Luna goes to sit at a table in a corner with her backpack that has her bottle of blood in it.
Jackson sits next to her, "Soo...." he says as he takes a bite out of his tuna sandwich. Luna gets her bottle of blood out of her backpack and puts it on the table, "So..." she says as she looks at Jackson.
"Why do you always bring that to school and not anything else?" Jackson says, pointing to the bottle of blood. Luna clears her throat, "Well... Uh..." she starts but Jackson cuts her off, "You know what? I don't want to know, it's your business, not mine..." he says as he takes another bite out of his sandwich.
"Why don't you go get something else than that? That drink can't fill you up." Jackson says, scooting closer to Luna. Luna sighs, "Ok..." she says then stands up and heads to the area where the students get their food. Whoa, that's a lot of food... Ugh! They don't have steak?!? This is mutiny! Luna thinks to herself as she gets mashed potatoes with gravy and rice. Luna pays for her lunch and sits back at her table with Jackson.
"Whoa... That's a lot of mashed potatoes... You like that?" Jackson asks, looking at her plate. Luna nods, "I-I guess..." she says as she starts eating.
About five minutes later, Luna finished her food and her blood. Jackson picks up a paper towel and cups Luna's chin and turns it so she's looking at him. Luna blushes, "W-what are you d-d-doing?" she asks nervously, "You have some mashed potatoes on your cheek." he says then wipes away the potatoes off of her cheek with the paper towel. Luna bites her lip, "Oh... Heh... Sorry" she says then looks down at her sleeve covered hands. He's so sweet, caring, and has feelings for others... But... Why me? He feels pity for me.... Ugh... So stupid! Luna thinks.
"Well... We should be going back, Snow..." he says as he picks up his lunchbox and stands up. Luna stands up with her backpack on her back, "Do you pity me?" she asks, looking up at Jackson. Jackson shakes his head, "No, why would I? You're awesome!" he says smiling. Luna smiles slightly, "Oh ok, that's good" she says as they walk out of the cafeteria.
At gym, Luna plays soft ball with the other students as Jackson plays with a hula-hoop. In gym, Luna is like a different person, she's a bit more playful, almost like a dog. Jackson noticed this about three times and realized that she isn't like the other girls.
After school, Luna and Jackson headed to the park since it's Friday, they're safe from the school until Monday. Luna sits under the large oak tree and looks up at Jackson with a smile. Jackson smiles back and sits next to her. Luna clears her throat and brings out her computer, "Can I show you something?" she asks Jackson. Jackson nods, "Sure" he says as Luna stands up in front of him. Luna sighs, "Promise you won't freak?" she asks stepping back. Jackson slowly nods, "Yes..." he says now uncertain. Luna smiles as shadows surround herself. Jackson's eyes widen and watches as the shadows disapate and Luna stands there in her eighteen year old form. Jackson's mouth drops, "W...what???" he asks in awe and slight fear.
"I'm not a normal girl..." Luna says as shadows surround herself once again and the shadows disapate and she stands there in her original form, "I'm much more..." she smiles weakly. Jackson stares at her in awe with his mouth still dropped in awe.
After that, Jackson and Luna talked until she had to go raise her moon. Luna sighs, "I have to go," Luna says sadly. Jackson smiles, "It was nice to get to know you" he pauses, "Luna" the way Jackson said her name sent shivers down her spine, to her is was sexy, but to Jackson it was just a way to get a laugh.
"I-I gotta go...." Luna says rushingly as she quickly stands up and runs off at the speed of a Vampire, seeming like a blur. Jackson watches the black blur run off and sighs, "I don't know if she likes me or not..." he says as he starts to walk home.
When Jackson reached his red and blue three story house in the woods, he saw the sun start to set. He gasps and quickly climbed up to the top of a tall pine tree. He watched the sun set then quickly looked at where the moon would peek out from behind the Earth. Jackson was intrigued when a large crescent moon rose from behind the Earth.
"Wow...." Jackson says with a sigh.
"Jackson! Get your tail down here young man!" a woman's yell came from below. Jackson sighs, "Coming mother!" he yells back then he climbs down the tree. A woman with bright yellow eyes and dark red hair stood before Jackson, "What the hell are you thinking?" she asks in anger. Jackson whined wolf-like, "I was watching the moon rise.... I always like watching the moon come up..." he says softly. Jackson's mother folds her arms across her chest, "Get in the house... We don't want Vampires to see us..." she says walking to the red and blue house. Jackson stands there under the tree, "No mother..." he says trying to sound brave as he stands tall. Jackson's mother stopped by the door when she heard what her son has said, "What did you say, Jackson...?" she says seething. Jackson gulped, "I... I said no mother... I found a Vampire at my school... In fact two!" he says taking a step toward his mother. Jackson's mother's eyes went widen in shock, "Jackson.... I will not allow you to go see them. Do you understand me?" she asks sternly.
"I know that we're royalty mother, we were born in the Siren Realm... I'm going to see her..." Jackson says just as sternly as his eyes turn from their normal baby blue to orange in anger. Jackson's mother gasps slightly, "Don't you dare!" she yells. Jackson growls then runs out of the forest, but his mother was slowly catching up to him. Jackson finds Luna and Aurora's blue and white two story house and dashes to it and rings the doorbell multiple times.
Luna opens the door then quickly moves aside so Jackson can come in. Jackson ran inside as his mother ran into a force field. She yelps loudly and rubs her head, "What the hell?" she says banging on the force field. She stares at Luna and growls, "You're the Vampire!" she yells out in anger. Luna nods casually as stands in the doorway unafraid of the woman's actions. Jackson gets behind Luna and sis behind her, afraid. Luna looks at Jackson, "You can go in my room if you want, it's the door on the right, at the end of the hallway" she says kindly. Jackson nods, "Thank you" he says as he gets up and walks upstairs then goes in Luna's room. Luna chuckles evilly and looks at Jackson's mother with an evil smirk, "Well well well... If it isn't Lorilia.... The Queen of the Siren Werewolves...." she says walking out onto the porch and looking up at the older woman. Jackson's mother gasps slightly then bangs on the force field, "What the hell are you going to do with my son you bitch?!?" she yells out as her eyes turn orange. Luna laughs, "I'm not going to do anything... We're just going to have fun" she says smiling, "Now leave or I'll rip your head off!" she finished in a demonic voice. Jackson's mother backs up then worriedly looks at where Luna's room is then runs back to the forest.
Jackson looks around Luna's room, her walls are jet black with navy blue and many different colors, making it look like space, the floor was hardwood and it looks like your above a large pine tree forest, and the ceiling of Luna's room looked like night sky with the full moon in the center, the moon looks so real that Jackson wanted to reach out and touch it. Jackson looks around Luna's room once more and sees her large king size bed with black silk sheets, it was by a window that looked out to the forest and a clear view of the moon, and Luna's desk and chair, a navy blue desk chair and a black desk with a red and black computer asleep on the desk.
"Whoa... This room is awesome..." Jackson says in pure awe. Luna walks in and giggles, "Thanks, I did it myself" she says as she closes the door. The door looked like the walls, the only thing that made it a door was the doorknob. Jackson sits on the ground, "This is... Just... Wow..." he says staring at the ceiling. Luna sits beside him, "Yea... I worked hard at this" she says smiling. "Well... Uh.... Where should I sleep?" Jackson asks. Luna points to the king size bed, "You can sleep there," she says. Jackson blushes, "Uhm... Uhh..." he says nervously. Luna rolls her eyes, "You can sleep there silly..." she says giggling. Jackson just blushes more in response. Luna tilts her head, "What?" she asks, "Uh... N-n-n-nothing!" Jackson says nervously. Luna giggles, "Ok then" she says and stands up. Jackson looks at Luna, "Hey..." he says to get her attention which worked, "Yes?" Luna asks. Jackson nuzzles Luna's stomach, making Luna giggle, "Jackson, stop it!" she laughs and gets pinned by Jackson as he tickles her.
"Hahaha!!! I'm alpha now!! Fear me, pup!!" Jackson says five minutes later as he's eighteen and Luna is also eighteen as he points to Luna. Luna whines wolf like and sits, "Yes alpha..." she says softly. Jackson pins Luna and growls, "What was that?" he smirks. Luna blushes and speaks a bit louder, "Yes alpha..." she says blushing more. Jackson smiles, "Good..." he says laughing. Luna giggles then pushes him off then takes her hoodie off, revealing her gauze wrapped arms and she puts her hoodie on her desk. Jackson's mouth drops slightly, eyeing Luna as she is facing to the desk.
"See something you like?" Luna asks and looks at Jackson. Jackson blushes, "Uhhhh...." he says nervously. Luna bites her lip, "Well?" she asks. Jackson gulps. "I-I think we should sleep..." he says nervously. Luna smiles then shadows surround herself then Jackson and the shadows disapate and they stand there in their original form with Jackson still blushing. Luna puts her hoodie back on, "I'll sleep on the floor," she says. Jackson shakes his head, "No, I'm the guest..." he says, "I'll sleep on the floor." he finishes. Luna sighs in defeat, "Fine..." she says.
About two hours after Jackson fell asleep, Luna stares at the ceiling lost in her endless river of thoughts.
The next day Jackson wakes up to find Luna missing, "What the...?" he asks himself. He gets out of the large bed and goes to look for Luna. Jackson hears soft cries coming from Aurora's room, "Aurora?" he asks and softly knocks on the door. No response, just whimpering and crying is heard from behind the white door. Jackson sighs then he heads downstairs quietly, listening. Jackson hears a whip crack and a small cry in pain. He gasps, "Oh no..." he says quietly then he runs to the basement door and kicks it open, he looks down the darkness which was faintly lightened up by the lights behind him on the ceiling, "Luna" he called out. No response, just loud boot footsteps are heard on the cement floor. "Who might you be?" Chase asks from the darkness as Jackson hears dripping water, or at least he thinks it's water, "Uhh... I-I'm looking for Luna sir... I'm sorry to bother you," he says in a kind tone. Chase steps out of the darkness, his lab coat and goggles almost drenched in blood. Jackson gasps and backs up when he sees the whip in Chase's right hand.
"What's wrong?" Chase asks. Jackson stammers: "S-s-sir.... Y-y-you have b-b-b-blood all over you" he says shakily toned. Chase looks at his lab coat, "Oh... So I do...." he says with a smirk. Jackson heard Luna cry and he dashes downstairs, dodging Chase but slips and falls in a large puddle of blood, "Ow... Ow..." he says as he looks at the chair and sees Luna without a shirt or her hoodie on and her wings were cut open, pinned back with chains, and bleeding profusely, Luna's back has large cuts that were bleeding immensely, "W...w----Luna!!?!??" he says in shock and horror. Chase chuckles evilly, "Well..." he says as hangs the whip up, "looks like we have a guest my dear..." he says with an evil smirk. Jackson shakily stands as blood drips from his clothing, "Why are you doing this to her?!" he yells out protectively. Luna shallowly breathes as tears stream down her face, "It.... H...hurts..." she says weakly. Chase chuckles evilly, "It's supposed to.... It's called torture for a reason y'know..." he says walking over to Luna's wings. Jackson gets in front of him, "Don't you dare touch her!" he yells. Chase pushes Jackson out the way and pets the bones of Luna's wings, "Hmm..." he says as Luna starts crying, "Please no more.... No more!" she cries pleadingly. Jackson growls then tackles Chase to the ground, punching him in anger, "You! Leave! Her! Alone! You! Jackass!!" he says, punching harder. Chase shocks Jackson, slightly paralyzing him and pushes him off then stands up, "What an peculiar little boy.... He has feeling for you, 30408...." he says. Luna hated it when Chase calls her that, it's a number he uses to label his victims. Luna whimpers and tries to get out of the restraints. Chase chuckles evilly and snaps one of Luna's wing's bone, making scream in pain and cry harder. Seeing and hearing Luna's cries in pain gave pleasure to Chase, making him smile, "Good.... Great" he says as he goes in front of Luna and puts his hands firmly on Luna's frail looking arms, making her whimper more, "What is it child? Never seen you life flash before your eyes?" he says in a dark manner. Luna spits in his face, making him back up and wipe the saliva from his face and groan in disgust, "Go to Hell!" she forces herself to yell through the pain.
Jackson stays still, thinking on ways to get Luna out, forcing himself not to cry as Luna continues to get whipped. After about three minutes, Chase stopped, panting, "My my... She fainted... I'll have to get something for that...." he says as he walks into another room. Jackson quickly, quietly but tries not to slip to get to Luna. Luna was quietly breathing, so quiet, it was barely audible. Jackson presses a red button on a remote and the straps release Luna but her wings remained caught in the chains. He quickly and carefully untied the chains from the hooks and carefully and quickly takes the hooks out of Luna's wings. Luna wakes up slightly then faints once more. Jackson puts Luna's shirt on her carefully when her wings disappeared and they returned to their normal form but with blood droplets underneath them. He then puts Luna's hoodie on her and picks her up like she's a baby and rushes upstairs. Elizabeth appears in front of Jackson and gasps, "Go bring her to her room, quickly.." she says as she runs to get the first-aid kit. Jackson does so and puts Luna on her bed. Elizabeth runs into her room with first-aid kit in hand, "Ok, Jackson I need you to get her shirt and hoodie off then help her sit up" she says as she gets three rolls of gauze out. Jackson does so, trying not to put Luna in anymore pain. Elizabeth starts wrapping Luna's torso with the gauze with worry in her eyes but she's calm, "You like Luna don't you?" she asks as she continues to wrap. Jackson nods, "Yes ma'am, I do like her.... I-is that bad?" he asks. Elizabeth chuckles and takes another roll of gauze and continues wrapping Luna's torso, "No sweetie, it isn't bad to like someone... It's only bad if...." she trail off. Jackson tilts his head, "If what?" he asks. Elizabeth shakes her head and finishes wrapping Luna.
Luna wakes up ten minutes later with Jackson pacing by her bed, "Jackson...?" she asks with a raspy voice. Jackson gasps softly and rushes over to Luna, "Hey... You're ok" he says smiling. Luna nods, "Y-yea.... Why?" she asks.
"Uh... Well... Uh... You're father, he was torturing you..." Jackson says nervously.
"Oh... Yea..." Luna says with a sigh, "Aurora, get in here!" she called out. Jackson tilts his head in confusion as Aurora walks in her room, "Yes sister?" Aurora asks. Luna gets out of bed, "Get ready.... We're leaving..." she says sternly as her computer disappears in a puff of shadows. Aurora nods then runs into her room to gather her things. Jackson looks at Luna, "What's going on?" he asks. Luna sighs, "Aurora and I are running away... I've gathered the strength I need and I'll keep gathering until I'm ready..." she says as she gets closer to Jackson. Jackson looks at Luna, "Can I come with?" he asks, "You'll recognize me, you seen me in my older forms..." Luna says then she kisses him. Jackson's eyes went wide in surprise then slowly kisses back. Aurora walks in and blinks twice at the scene she walked in on. She walks back out then heads downstairs. Luna pulls away first, "I must take my leave my love..." she says softly then walks out of her room. Jackson follows her closely, "No no... I'm not leaving you, no way..." he says.
After Luna and Aurora said goodbye to Elizabeth and Jackson, they watched Chase get sent to jail. Luna sighs, "Let's go sister.... An adventure awaits us..." she says as Aurora starts walking. Jackson runs out of the house and plants his lips onto Luna's. Luna blushes a bit and kisses back then pulls away, "For the last time Jackson, no... You can't come with me..." she says. Jackson steps closer, "I want to" he says in the voice that made Luna shiver in pleasure, "But... I-I" Luna got caught off when Jackson kissed her once more and she gave in. Jackson pulls away with a smirk, "You sure you don't want me to come with?" he asks. Luna looks at Jackson, "I.... You can c-come with..." she says stammering. Jackson smiles, "Ok" he says as he runs to catch up with Aurora, followed by Luna.
"So... Where are we headed sister?" Aurora asks. Jackson nods, "Yea... Where are we going?"

"We're just going to keep running..." Luna says quietly.

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