Chapter 4 The Mystery Man

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On their way home, Luna caught a glimpse of a man with short, spiked dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes, he was wearing navy blue jeans, black boots, and a grey polo t-shirt. Luna gasps at the sight of him then she stops walking and looks at where the man was but he was gone. Aurora stops walking and looks at Luna, "Sis, are you ok," She asks, "Uh... Y-yea," Luna says uncertain then teleports to their blue and white house and she walks in. Aurora follows Luna, "We're home!" Aurora yells out as she closes the door. Elizabeth with her long blonde hair in a ponytail appears beside them and looks at them with her soft green eyes, "Hi girls, welcome back," She says as she hugs Luna and Aurora. Luna and Aurora giggles and hug Elizabeth back.
Later that night at exactly 12:00, Luna woke up from a deep sleep and looks around. "What the..." She said as she looks out of her window to see a full moon. "Why don't I remember anything..." Luna asks herself. Luna then sees the strange man from the park standing in the front lawn looking at her. "Uh...." Luna says confused. The man smirked and motioned for Luna to come outside. Luna's eyes widen and gets a feeling that she can trust the man, "Uhm... Ok...." She says to herself as she quickly brushes her hair then she quickly and quietly goes downstairs and then outside. The man kneeled down in front of Luna, "Hello there," he said, his voice sounding British. Luna smiles, "Hi" She said shyly. The man smiles, "My name is Klaus, I'm the original Hybrid," He says looking straight in Luna's eyes. Luna gasps, "The original Hybrid?!??" She says excitedly, "Yes, and would you like to become a pure Hybrid," Klaus asks slightly laughing. Luna thinks for a bit, "Would it hurt," She asks curiously. Klaus' eyes turn yellow and the white in his eyes turn black as he goes and bites his wrist, causing it to bleed, "Just drink my blood, I'll do the rest," He says. The whites in Luna's eyes turn black and she gets closer to Klaus and starts feeding on his bleeding wrist. Klaus winces, "Damn, you have quite a bite there," He says jokingly. Luna pulls away and wipes the blood from her mouth, "Yea, my sister says that it's because I'm a very powerful Hybrid," Luna says while looking at Klaus. Klaus smirks, "Well, I'm here to turn you into a pure hybrid," he says. Luna smiles then the smile fades and looks at her arms that are covered with the hoodie sleeves. Klaus tilts his head, "Something wrong," he asks. Luna slightly nods and sniffles, "Y-yea..." She hugs him and starts crying. Klaus' eyes widen and hugs her back, "What's wrong," he asks. Luna sniffles and looks up at him, "My step father is being m-mean t-t-to me," she finally was able to say. Klaus looks at the house then picks her up and runs and a huge gush of wind hits her face, the world looks like a total blur until he stops in the park. Klaus puts her down and sits in front of her, "Care to tell," he asks, "He..." Luna pauses to sit down, "He straps me in this metal chair with metal restraints, he electrocutes me, whips my back, plucks feathers from my wings, he even cuts them open with this small hospital tool," Luna says then she sighs. Klaus nods, "Anything else," he asks, "Well..." Luna pauses, "I might cut my arms," she says embarrassed. Klaus lifts his right eyebrow, "Really," he asks. Luna nods slowly and takes her hoodie off and shows him her wrists which were still bleeding and had deep cuts. Klaus clears his throat, "Wow, uh..." he is speechless at the sight of her arms. Luna puts her hoodie back on, "Yea..." she pauses, "I don't want to live..." Luna says and looks down. Klaus cups her chin and lifts her chin up, "It'll be ok, Luna" he says. Luna gasps, "How did you.." Luna gets interrupted by Klaus snapping her neck.

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