Chapter 12 The Full Moon

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The full moon is coming. Luna and Aurora have been preparing to go into the forest and turn, but something worries Luna, making her even more moodier than what a normal Werewolf would.
"Sister...?" Aurora asks concerned. "What?" Luna says, almost growling in anger. "Uhm... Should we go raise the moon?" she asks. Luna sighs, "Sure... I guess..." she says getting up from her desk and walking out of her room.
Sister, what's wrong with you? Aurora thinks, "Maybe it's just because of the moon.... Yea... M-maybe..." she says nervously then walks out of Luna's room, "Elizabeth, Luna and I are gonna be gone until sunrise!" she yells out.
"Ok sweetie, have fun!" Elizabeth yells back from the kitchen.
Aurora runs outside and her wings sprout out as she jumps up and flies up to where Luna is, "Ok... So... You put it about ten minutes before the moon reaches its apex.... Ok?" she says, looking at Luna. Luna nods as she hovers, "Yes, cuz then we'll be able to Vampire run to the mountains and we can turn there...." she says matter-of-factly. Aurora giggles, "Ok sister... Let's do this..." she says as her eyes turn sunrise orange and light comes out of her hands then the light surrounds her hands and arms in a spiraling motion. Luna nods and her eyes turn midnight blue as shadows come out of her hands and the shadows do the same as Aurora's, "Ready?" she says looking at Aurora. Aurora nods and flies up 10 feet, followed by Luna and the sun starts to lower as the moon rises.

The moon rises slightly then Luna and Aurora land and their wings turn to their normal form. Luna sighs as the shadows go back into her hands and her eyes go back to their normal icy blue as Aurora's eyes go back to their normal soft green and the light goes back into her hands.

"Come on, we have to go before the moon hits its apex..." Aurora says eagerly as she starts running towards the mountains. Luna chuckles softly then dashes quickly, running faster towards the mountains.
Both Luna and Aurora hit the mountains before the moon hit its apex, but they were in pain since the moon was getting close.
"S-sister... I..." Aurora says but gets caught off by her own bones snapping and her collapsing, causing both Luna and her to scream in pain. "Sister.... I... Want you to s..stay..." Aurora says weakly. Luna sighs, "I'm always around the bend if you need me..." she says and with that, Luna dashes off deeper into the forest. Aurora whimpers wolf-like, "I... Hate this..." she says then gets interrupted once more as more of her bones snap and she starts growing, ripping her clothes as the moon is at its apex.

About five minutes later, even though it felt like an eternity, Luna and Aurora have finally turned into their wolf forms. Luna is her black with yellow eyes wolf form, and Aurora is her white with yellow eyes wolf form. They both howl and dash through the forest.

After hours and hours of play, it was about time for Aurora to turn back. Aurora looks at Luna as she slowly turns into a wolf that looks like a human then a full human.
"Ugh... I hate this... But, it's part of turning, you have to get use to wearing no clothes for a bit...." she says uncomfortable as Luna stands there, "Uhm... L-Luna.. Can you please leave?" she asks. Luna prances off then Aurora starts raise the sun, forcing the moon to go down. Aurora raises the moon then snaps her fingers and her clothes, unripped, appear on her and she hugs herself in embarrassment. Luna walks up to Aurora fully clothed, "Let's go..." she says as she starts walking. Aurora follows, skipping alongside Luna.
The two girls went home and went upstairs to Luna's room.
"Ugh... I'm exhausted...." Aurora says as she plops down on Luna's bed. Luna sits at her desk and looks at some photos.
"Sister, what's wrong?" Aurora asks. Luna shakes her head, "Nothing sister, I'm fine..." she says, sounding a bit distracted.
"Sister.... You aren't fine, what is it?" Aurora asks. Luna growls demonicly, "I'm fine, sister! Just leave me!" she yells. Aurora flinches at Luna's sudden yell, "O-ok sister..." she says hurt by her words then she walks out of Luna's room and goes into hers.
The next day, Aurora is awoken by immense pain. Aurora screams in pain, "E...Elizabeth!!!" she yells for her. Elizabeth ran into Aurora's room worried, "Pinkie what's wrong?" she asks in a panic.
"Luna's g...getting hurt!" Aurora screams in pain. Elizabeth hugs and holds Aurora, "Chase has Snow... You know I can't go in the basement, he has a spell on it... Even though I want to help, I can't..." she says. Aurora cries, "He's whipping her...!" she starts crying harder. Elizabeth tries to soothe Aurora by singing a lullaby and slowly rocking back and forth, "Once there was a child who shown like the sun, look out on her kingdom and sigh, she smiled and said "Surely there is nobody so lovely and well beloved as I" so great was her reign and so brilliant her glory that long was the shadow she cast.." Elizabeth sings in a beautiful voice. Aurora calms down and smiles, "That was lovely, Elizabeth," she says smiling. Elizabeth smiles, "I'll read you a bed time story for you two when you guys are ready for bed, ok?" she asks. Aurora nods, "Ok," says.
Later that night, Elizabeth comes into Luna's room and sees her on the computer doing her video diary.
"Life couldn't get worse could it? I have an abusive step father that doesn't know when to quit and.... I'm just..." Luna says then quickly closes her computer, "Uhh..." she says dumbfounded. Elizabeth giggles, "It's ok, Snowhite... It's time for bed.." she says, walking into Luna's room. Luna sighs, "Ok..." she says then she teleports onto her bed then lays down under her black silk sheets. Elizabeth smiles then looks at Aurora standing in the doorway, "Come on in, Pinkie..." she says with a bright smile.
When Aurora sat on Luna's bed with Elizabeth, Elizabeth looks at them both and smiles, "You two ready?" she asks them. Luna and Aurora nods and Elizabeth nods, "Ok..." she began, "Once upon a time, there were two princesses. One of them could control the moon and all things dark, and the other could control the sun and all things light. The two sisters brought harmony throughout their kingdom, but something isn't right in their fair kingdom... Someone evil lives outside of their kingdom, this person's name..." she pauses and looks at Luna and Aurora, "What should the man's name be?" she asks.

"Chase" Luna says

"Phillip" Aurora says

Luna and Aurora looks at each other, "Chase... Is the bad man's name..." Aurora and Luna says in unison as they look back at Elizabeth. Elizabeth giggles, "Ok then," she begins, "The man's name is Sir Chase, but nobody knows this about him, he's actually a Wizard!" she slightly yells and Aurora and Luna giggles, "He's a very odd man," Elizabeth continues, "he puts hexes on the innocent people who dare cross his path. The people of the two princesses' kingdom were afraid of Chase. So, late one night the older sister, the one who can control the sun, and the younger sister confronted the evil Chase and they..." she pauses.
Aurora gasps, "What what?! What did they do?!" she says anxiously. Elizabeth giggles, "That's a surprise..." Elizabeth simply says as she gets up from Luna's bed, "Now, time for bed girls," she says walking out of Luna's room. Aurora giggles and hugs Luna, "Goodnight sister, I love you," she says then she teleports into her room. Luna slightly smiles, "I love you too sister..." she says then she looks out her window to see the almost crescent moon. Luna sighs then tries to fall asleep.

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